New: Comments & notifications in Datawrapper

With features like live collaboration and shared folders, Datawrapper makes it as easy as possible to work together on visualizations. And wherever people create something together, there’s a need for communication: to discuss alternative ways of explaining something, to decide what to highlight or focus on, or just to do a final check before publishing.

We believe the best place for that communication is right where the work happens. That is why we’re introducing comments & notifications, right in the Datawrapper editor.

Bring discussions to where the work happens

With comments, you can have discussions with your team members without ever leaving Datawrapper. Using the new comments sidebar available for every visualization in Datawrapper, you can ask questions, give feedback, or leave notes directly on the visualization. Anyone working on the visualization can later read or reply to these comments.

Never miss a discussion

When someone else comments on a visualization you’ve created or one you’ve previously commented on, you’ll automatically receive a notification telling you exactly what happened. Click on the notification to open the visualization and jump directly into the discussion.

You can also manually subscribe to any visualization on your team to stay up to date on any comments or reactions. And if you don’t need to be in the loop, unsubscribe with a single click:

Mentions, threads, and reactions

If you need someone’s help or input on a visualization, comments can help you get their attention. When writing a comment, you can mention someone by typing ‘@’ and let the suggestion menu find the right person after you start typing their name. They will receive a notification with your comment to let them know their input is needed.

To make conversations as seamless as possible, you can use emoji reactions to quickly respond to comments without writing a full reply. For more in-depth discussions, comment threads allow you to keep things organized and understandable for everyone.

Keep track of complex discussions with threads.
Easily notify a team member by mentioning their name in a comment.
Quickly reply to comments with emoji reactions.

Are you curious to try the new comments feature? Go to any Datawrapper visualization and click the ‘Comments’ button to write your first one.

Starting today, comments are available to all users on all price plans. We hope this will help you be more productive and efficient when collaborating in Datawrapper. Do you have feedback or suggestions on how we can better support your workflow? Don’t hesitate to contact our team at
