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Data Vis Dispatch, April 19

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations
Portrait of Rose Mintzer-Sweeney
Rose Mintzer-Sweeney

Welcome back to the 41st edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include war in Ukraine, natural gas in the European Union, and billionaires in the United States.

This week brought more maps of the presidential results in France:

Le Monde: <strong><a href="">Présidentielle 2022&nbsp;: un paysage politique en recomposition</a></strong>, April 13
Le Monde: Présidentielle 2022 : un paysage politique en recomposition, April 13
Serac: <strong><a href="">Présidentielle 2022, les cartes du premier tour</a></strong>, April 17
Serac: Présidentielle 2022, les cartes du premier tour, April 17

With the first-round vote in, there was time for some deeper analysis — first, of the growing success of far-right candidates:

Le Monde: <strong><a href="">Le vote d’extrême droite en France en&nbsp;2022</a></strong>, April 14
Le Monde: Le vote d’extrême droite en France en 2022, April 14
Le Monde: <strong><a href="">Présidentielle 2022&nbsp;: la victoire bretonne en trompe-l’œil d’Emmanuel Macron au soir du premier tour</a></strong>, April 15
Le Monde: Présidentielle 2022 : la victoire bretonne en trompe-l’œil d’Emmanuel Macron au soir du premier tour, April 15
Nicolas Mondon/Le Figaro: "L'analyse du vote par catégorie socio-économique révèle une fracture entre les cadres et les employés," April 12 (<a href=""><strong>Tweet</strong></a>, <a href=""><strong>Article</strong></a>)
Nicolas Mondon/Le Figaro: "L'analyse du vote par catégorie socio-économique révèle une fracture entre les cadres et les employés," April 12 (Tweet, Article)

And second, of the dismal results for France's traditional major parties:

Le Monde: <strong><a href="">En un graphique&nbsp;: l’effondrement des Républicains et du Parti socialiste au fil des dernières présidentielles</a></strong>, April 12
Le Monde: En un graphique : l’effondrement des Républicains et du Parti socialiste au fil des dernières présidentielles, April 12
Le Parisien: <strong><a href="">Les dix surprises révélées par nos cartes du premier tour</a></strong>, April 19
Le Parisien: Les dix surprises révélées par nos cartes du premier tour, April 19

Looking ahead to the runoff vote this Sunday, Les Echos and Le Monde both offered interactive tools to explore how other candidates' supporters might split between Macron and Le Pen:

Les Echos: Présidentielle : faites vos simulations pour les reports de voix entre Macron et Le Pen, April 13
Le Monde: Présidentielle 2022 : estimez les reports de voix au second tour avec notre simulateur, April 14

Meanwhile, Russia is renewing its attack on eastern Ukraine:

The Washington Post: <strong><a href="">Why Russia gave up on urban war in Kyiv and turned to big battles in the east</a></strong>, April 15
The Washington Post: Why Russia gave up on urban war in Kyiv and turned to big battles in the east, April 15
Gazeta Wyborcza: <a style="font-weight: bold;" href=",159116,28344317,wojna-w-ukrainie-ponad-50-dni-walk-2-tys-potwierdzonych-cywilnych.html">Wojna w Ukrainie. Ponad 50 dni walk, 2 tys. potwierdzonych cywilnych ofiar</a>, April 15
Gazeta Wyborcza: Wojna w Ukrainie. Ponad 50 dni walk, 2 tys. potwierdzonych cywilnych ofiar, April 15

Although Ukrainian troops in Mariupol are still holding out after over a month of siege, the news from the city is bleak:

The New York Times: <strong><a href="">Russia tightens its grip on Mariupol</a></strong>, April 13
The New York Times: Russia tightens its grip on Mariupol, April 13
The Washington Post: <strong><a href="">After More Than a Month of Fighting, Much of Mariupol Lies in Ruins</a></strong>, April 16
The Washington Post: After More Than a Month of Fighting, Much of Mariupol Lies in Ruins, April 16
Reuters: <strong><a href="">Civilian lives and homes destroyed by the conflict in Ukraine</a></strong>, April 14
Reuters: Civilian lives and homes destroyed by the conflict in Ukraine, April 14

Millions of Ukrainians are displaced internally and abroad, while Russian media still barely acknowledges the war:

Le Monde: <strong><a href="">La guerre en&nbsp;Ukraine en&nbsp;cartes, jour après jour</a></strong>, April 15
Le Monde: La guerre en Ukraine en cartes, jour après jour, April 15
Texty: <strong><a href="">Кожна третя новина – про війну або її наслідки для РФ. Моніторинг росЗМІ за 4–10 квітня</a></strong>, April 14
Texty: Кожна третя новина – про війну або її наслідки для РФ. Моніторинг росЗМІ за 4–10 квітня, April 14

Europe is looking to liquid natural gas as an alternative to Russian imports:

Financial Times: <strong><a href="">Can the EU wean itself off Russian gas?</a></strong>, April 18
Financial Times: Can the EU wean itself off Russian gas?, April 18
Rocío Márquez/El Confidencial: "Mapas del hidrógeno verde y gasoductos en Europa, destacando la situación de España e Italia," April 14 (<a href=""><strong>Tweet</strong></a>, <a href=""><strong>Article</strong></a>)
Rocío Márquez/El Confidencial: "Mapas del hidrógeno verde y gasoductos en Europa, destacando la situación de España e Italia," April 14 (Tweet, Article)

Even as key sectors miss their targets to lower emissions:

Zeit Online: <strong><a href="">Teuer, klimaschädlich und abhängig von Russland</a></strong>, April 14
Zeit Online: Teuer, klimaschädlich und abhängig von Russland, April 14
Bloomberg: <strong><a href="">The Clean-Power Megaproject Held Hostage by a Ranch and a Bird</a></strong>, April 12
Bloomberg: The Clean-Power Megaproject Held Hostage by a Ranch and a Bird, April 12
The Economist: <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">In chilly parts of Europe, heatwaves strengthen environmentalism</a>, April 16
The Economist: In chilly parts of Europe, heatwaves strengthen environmentalism, April 16

After two years of COVID, the treatment backlog is overwhelming England's healthcare system:

Financial Times: <strong><a href="">Number of vacant NHS hospital beds falls to lowest level since start of pandemic</a></strong>, April 17
Financial Times: Number of vacant NHS hospital beds falls to lowest level since start of pandemic, April 17
Straits Times: <strong><a href="">Catch flights, not Covid-19: How do you pick a ‘safe’ travel destination?</a></strong>, April 19
Straits Times: Catch flights, not Covid-19: How do you pick a ‘safe’ travel destination?, April 19

A breakout topic of the week — the richest Americans and where their money goes:

Axios: <strong><a href="">MacKenzie Scott's astonishing generosity</a></strong>, April 14
Axios: MacKenzie Scott's astonishing generosity, April 14
ProPublica: <strong><a href="">America's Highest Earners And Their Taxes Revealed</a></strong>, April 13
ProPublica: America's Highest Earners And Their Taxes Revealed, April 13

And two neat rank charts took us through a century of Northern Irish politics on the one hand, and intergenerational social media usage on the other:

The Guardian: ‘Historical shift for Northern Ireland’: what a Sinn Féin win would mean, April 12
FlowingData: <strong><a href="">Social Media Usage by Age</a></strong>, April 13
FlowingData: Social Media Usage by Age, April 13

Other visualizations covered everything from high tides after Tonga's volcanic eruption to the rise of Uniqlo in China:

The New York Times: <strong><a href=";smtyp=cur">‘It’s Super Spectacular.’ See How the Tonga Volcano Unleashed a Once-in-a-Century Shockwave</a></strong>, April 14
The New York Times: ‘It’s Super Spectacular.’ See How the Tonga Volcano Unleashed a Once-in-a-Century Shockwave, April 14
Financial Times: <strong><a href="">Baby bust: Pandemic accelerates fall in China’s birth rate</a></strong>, April 18
Financial Times: Baby bust: Pandemic accelerates fall in China’s birth rate, April 18
The New York Times: <strong><a href=";smtyp=cur">How the Brooklyn Subway Shooting Unfolded</a></strong>, April 12
The New York Times: How the Brooklyn Subway Shooting Unfolded, April 12
Bloomberg: <strong><a href="">How Keeping Quiet About Politics Helped Uniqlo Become China’s Favorite Fashion Brand</a></strong>, April 13
Bloomberg: How Keeping Quiet About Politics Helped Uniqlo Become China’s Favorite Fashion Brand, April 13

What else we found interesting

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: <strong><a href=";mktcval=twpost_2022-04-18">Acht Geschichten über die Pandemie in Zürich</a></strong>, April 18
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Acht Geschichten über die Pandemie in Zürich, April 18
Politico: <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">This cheeseburger explains your bigger grocery bill</a>, April 13
Politico: This cheeseburger explains your bigger grocery bill, April 13

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Portrait of Rose Mintzer-Sweeney

Rose Mintzer-Sweeney (she/her, @rosemintzers) is a data vis writer on Datawrapper’s communications team. She likes words, numbers, pictures, and all possible combinations of the same. Rose lives in Berlin.

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