Data Vis Dispatch, April 26

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 42nd edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include elections in France, war in Ukraine, and climate maps and illustrations.

This Sunday was the second round of voting in the French presidential election:

Le Monde: Résultats de la présidentielle : visualisez les votes commune par commune sur notre carte interactive, April 25
The Economist: France’s presidential election: The second round in detail, April 25
Bloomberg: Résultats en direct de l’élection française, April 25
Le Figaro: Résultats présidentielle 2022 : la carte de France de l’écart entre Macron et Le Pen, April 24
Financial Times: Emmanuel Macron defeats Marine Le Pen to be re-elected French president, April 25

In 2017, Emmanuel Macron won the presidency with 66% of the vote. This year, he defeated Marine Le Pen for a second time — but the margin has narrowed:

Reuters: French Elections, April 25
CNN: Emmanuel Macron wins France’s presidential election, April 25

Compared to 2017, Macron lost ground in every community district. Meanwhile, Le Pen finished with her party’s strongest-ever results:

The Guardian: French election 2022: full second round results, April 25
The Times: How Macron won the French election in maps and charts, April 25
Le Monde: Résultats présidentielle 2022 : face à Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron recule sur tout le territoire par rapport à 2017, April 25

Rural, poorer, and middle-aged voters were more likely to support Le Pen:

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Präsidentschaftswahl in Frankreich: die Ergebnisse der zweiten Runde im Überblick, April 25
Financial Times: Emmanuel Macron’s election victory over Marine Le Pen in charts, April 25

Meanwhile, turnout was near a record low:

Le Monde: Les cartes et graphiques pour mesurer l’abstention (presque) historique du second tour, April 25
The Times: French election results 2022: Macron beats Le Pen and vows to reunite country, April 25
Süddeutsche Zeitung: So hat Frankreich gewählt, April 25
Zeit Online: Wo Macron auf Ablehnung stößt, April 24

Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, with fighting now concentrated in the country’s east:

The New York Times: The fight for the East, April 20
The Washington Post: Why Mariupol matters to Russia in three maps, April 21
Gazeta Wyborcza: Sytuacja na wschodzie Ukrainy, April 25
Financial Times: The battle for Donbas: ‘the real test of this war’, April 25

Weeks of siege have left the city of Mariupol in ruins:

The Economist: Nearly half of Mariupol has suffered grave damage, April 23
El País: Cómo la acería de Azovstal se ha convertido en el bastión de la resistencia ucrania en Mariupol, April 20

This map-filled story from Le Monde puts the invasion in a recent historical context of other Russian war:

Le Monde: De la Tchétchénie à la Syrie, de la Géorgie à l’Ukraine… l’armée russe toujours sur le pied de guerre, April 23

And a steady stream of Ukrainian civilians continue to flee the country, while Russia stirs up tension in Moldova’s separatist region:

Gazeta Wyborcza: Już ponad 5 mln uchodźców uciekło z Ukrainy. Co zmieni bitwa o Donbas?, April 20
The Washington Post: What is Transnistria, and will Russia advance toward Moldova?, April 22

Climate visualizations this week included maps of transportation in Portland, Oregon and forest zones in Canada. Scroll down to the section “What else we found interesting” for more beautiful climate illustrations and interactives:

The New York Times: Can Portland Be a Climate Leader Without Reducing Driving?, April 21
The Washington Post: A megafire raged for 3 months. No one’s on the hook for its emissions, April 20
Our World in Data: Humans destroyed forests for thousands of years – we can become the first generation that achieves a world in which forests expand, April 20

Congressional redistricting continues in the U.S., and primary elections are starting to heat up:

FiveThirtyEight: The Extreme Bias Of Florida’s New Congressional Map, April 21
FiveThirtyEight: The 13 Most Important Republican Senate Primaries To Watch, April 21

COVID charts this week showed us an economy back to normal in some ways (with a lot less Zoom and Netflix) but still not in others (with few office workers back to their old schedules):

The Wall Street Journal: These Stocks Got Hot During the Pandemic. Now They’re Cooling, April 23
Financial Times: Office return stalls as UK staff cling to flexible working, April 22
The Economist: How China’s Sinovac compares with BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine, April 19
The Outlier: Two Years of Coronavirus in South Africa, April 22

Other visualizations covered everything from rising rents to diversity at elite public high schools to habitats for right whales:

The Washington Post: Rents are rising everywhere. See how much prices are up in your area, April 21
The San Francisco Chronicle: How Lowell’s diversity compares with other elite public high schools around the U.S., April 21
The Wall Street Journal: How Elon Musk Won Twitter, April 25
Bloomberg: Investors Crank Up Pressure on Companies With Record Climate, Race Proxy Proposals, April 25
The Washington Post: These whales are on the brink. Now comes climate change — and wind power, April 21

What else we found interesting

Financial Times: Can you reach net zero by 2050?, April 21
NPR: How young people are taking action against climate change, April 22
Le Devoir: Le dangereux déclin de la biodiversité, April 21
The New York Times: Trash or Recycling? Why Plastic Keeps Us Guessing, April 21

Applications are open for…

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