Data Vis Dispatch, August 23

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 59th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

After this week we’ll be taking a little late-summer break and publishing the Dispatch only every other Tuesday until the end of September.

Recurring topics this time include rivers, COVID recovery, and partisan divisions.

Some beautiful maps on the environment to begin the week:

National Geographic: Conserving the Future, August 16
Reuters: Europe’s driest summer in 500 years threatens crops, energy production, August 22

Rivers and rainfall were a particular focus:

The Washington Post: The ‘wildest place in Maryland’ is under threat — from biking trails, August 19
Financial Times: Climate graphic of the week: Record lows for rivers across China, US and Europe sap economies, August 20
National Geographic: Big changes are coming for the Colorado River soon—and they could get messy, August 16
The Economist: The most important river in the American West is drying up, August 16
SBS News: 수해는 사회적 약자를 먼저 삼킨다, August 18

COVID got some attention again, especially from an economic perspective:

The Economist: Vaccinating students and staff protected vulnerable groups from covid-19, August 22
The New York Times: Live Performance Is Back. But Audiences Have Been Slow to Return, August 21
Financial Times: Covid restrictions stymie tourism revival in Japan and much of Asia, August 17
Bloomberg: How Fixes to the $800 Billion Covid Relief Program Got Money to More Small Businesses, August 22

Political charts this week focused on partisanship:

The Washington Post: Can computer simulations help fix democracy?, August 22
The Economist: How Democrats and Republicans see each other, August 17
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Der Kampf um den Senat steht auf Messers Schneide, das Repräsentantenhaus dürfte an die Republikaner gehen – die neusten Umfragen zu den US-Midterms 2022, August 18
NPR: States with the toughest abortion laws have the weakest maternal supports, data shows, August 18

Other topics included A-levels, monkeypox, and interest rates:

The Guardian: This year’s A-level results in England explained in five charts, August 18
The Economist: Monkeypox has spread rapidly in male sex networks. Will it spread further?, August 18
The Wall Street Journal: Wall Street Bets the Fed Is Bluffing in High-Stakes Inflation Game, August 18

What else we found interesting

The New York Times: “Climate change is causing record-breaking flooding events around the world. Experience the intensity of rainfall in your own space using our latest AR effect,” August 18 (Tweet, Link)
South China Morning Post: What is Mid-Autumn Festival all about?, August 23

Applications are open for…

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