Data Vis Dispatch, August 8

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 105th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include business, labor, and overheating oceans.

Niger and other countries in the Sahel region were in the spotlight this week:

The Wall Street Journal: How the U.S. Fumbled Niger’s Coup and Gave Russia an Opening, August 4
José Luengo-Cabrera: “West Africa: jihadist activity,” August 3 (Tweet)

The Economist: Fanatics and putschists are creating failed states in west Africa, August 1
The Outlier: “Ghana has become the 29th African country to abolish the death penalty. It has 176 people on death row, but no one has been executed there since 1993. 3 African countries carried out executions last year: Egypt, South Sudan & Somalia,” August 8 (Tweet)

We also saw maps of Russian sanction-dodging and the front line in Ukraine:

Le Monde: La flotte fantôme : enquête sur les nouvelles routes du pétrole russe, August 6
El Mundo: El freno ruso: ‘dientes de dragón’, minas y ataques a inocentes, August 1

There are four charts in this section — two about 78 charges across three criminal cases faced by former U.S. president Donald Trump, and two about his excellent chances of winning next year’s Republican nomination and decent shot at retaking the presidency:

The Washington Post: Breaking down the 78 charges Trump faces in his three indictments, August 3
The Wall Street Journal: Trump’s Donors Help Fund His Legal Bills, Becoming Windfalls for His Attorneys, August 5
The New York Times: Trump Leads G.O.P. in Iowa, but His Hold Is Less Dominant, August 4
The New York Times: Can the Race Really Be That Close? Yes, Biden and Trump Are Tied., August 1

And postcards from Budapest and Singapore:

Atlo: “Our new project ‘Budapest Open Data Atlas’ is out,” August 7 (Tweet)
Straits Times: Singapore in Colour, August 7

Other charts covered everything from gas reserves to Lyme disease:

De Tijd: Europese gasvoorraden op recordniveau, August 3
The Guardian: Voice to parliament polling results tracker: how many people support or oppose the referendum, August 7
AFP: “Newly minted world record-breaker Kristin Harila is done with 8,000-metre mountains and is ready for a “normal life” after achieving her goal of giving women a rare role model in extreme climbing,” August 1 (Tweet)
The Guardian: Tick tick boom: how much is Lyme disease increasing in the US?, August 2

Last but not least, charts with really steep lines:

Max Roser: “Made a new chart on the long-term history of population growth: • For millennia, population growth was very slow. • During the last 200 years, growth has been rapid. • In 50 years, it is expected to reach the peak — the history of population growth will then end,” August 5 (Tweet)
The San Francisco Chronicle: College attendance: How family income impacts who goes to Stanford vs. UCLA and UC Berkeley, August 1
The Washington Post: Riding the oldest and the tallest roller coasters in the world, August 3

What else we found interesting

The Los Angeles Times: One car per green: Why the lights on freeway onramps can’t end traffic jams, August 1
Anton Thomas: “It. Is. COMPLETE!!!! I can’t believe it. After 3 years putting my heart & soul into this map, Wild World is finished. Thank you everyone for the encouragement over the years, this was a beautiful journey and I’m deeply proud of it… a map of nature I’ve dreamt of since childhood,” August 1 (Tweet)
Reuters: Don’t waste food, August 5
The Los Angeles Times: Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are you? Take our personality quiz, August 4
El País: Sin gritos de ayuda ni chapoteos: guía visual para reconocer que alguien se ahoga, August 4

Applications are open for…

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