Data Vis Dispatch, December 5

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 121st edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include the 28th U.N. Climate Change Conference, pop culture memories, and the teeny-tiny parts in our tech gadgets.

Even though war is an unpleasant topic, visualizations can help us understand it — and we believe it’s important to show them. On the war between Hamas and Israel, several diagrams this week dealt with damage and displacement in the Gaza Strip:

The New York Times: What the Scale of Displacement in Gaza Looks Like, December 2
Reuters: Mapping the conflict in Israel and Gaza, November 28
Financial Times: Israel-Hamas truce talks stall after Mossad negotiators leave Qatar, December 2
The Guardian: Hospital damage in Gaza during Israeli offensive – a visual investigation, December 1

One article we found deals with the use of words about war and how this could relate to political thinking:

Al Jazeera: Israel-Palestine war of words, November 30

Other visualizations covered Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine:

The Wall Street Journal: Dead or Alive? The Hunt for a Ukrainian Soldier Missing on a Chaotic Battlefield, December 3
Тексти: Повітряна війна. Якими маршрутами летіли «Шахеди» і ракети протягом вересня-жовтня, December 4

COP28, the U.N.’s 28th annual climate summit, started on November 30. Not surprisingly, we found a large number of charts about climate change and its main causes — in particular, CO₂:

CNN: As climate chaos accelerates, which countries are polluting the most?, December 1
Les Echos: Emissions de CO2 : où en est la France, secteur par secteur ?, November 30
Der Spiegel: Die 23 wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zur Weltklimakonferenz, December 2
SBS News: 만약 모든 대중교통 요금이 0원이 된다면?, November 29
Diario Sur: +2,2ºC, November 28

Carbon emissions and rising temperatures are just the beginning of climate visualization topics. Their effects on the weather and on people were also explored:

McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility: Impacts of climate change on Black populations in the United States, November 30
South China Morning Post: Are gates to hell open? What 2 degrees warmer means for Earth, November 30

The effects of climate change on the agricultural sector deserve their own cluster:

The New York Times: Airlines Race Toward a Future of Powering Their Jets With Corn, November 30
The Wall Street Journal: The Race to Save Ketchup: Building a Tomato for a Hotter World, December 3

On international routes of migration and trade:

El Confidencial: La Europa de los muros, November 29
Le Monde: « Le narcotrafic est une guerre à laquelle le débat politique doit s’intéresser », December 1

Off to U.S. politics. Spoiler: The U.S. Senate is pretty old:

Univision: The Oldest Senate in History: Two-Thirds of its Members Surpass Retirement Age, November 29
The Washington Post: See the evolution of lies in George Santos’s campaign biography, December 1

A very special topic in this week’s economic charts: Where do the little components in our gadgets come from? And what does China have to do with it?:

Bloomberg: China Secretly Transforms Huawei Into Most Powerful Chip War Weapon, December 1
Le Monde: Voitures électriques : une frénésie mondiale de gigafactories, November 29

Money, money, money. An omnipresent topic:

Inkyfada: Business opaque, irrégularités multiples… la face cachée de l’empire Ardjan, November 29
The Wall Street Journal: Ranking the Best Companies for Career Growth, November 30

The cities that we live in and travel to starred in two charts this week:

The Wall Street Journal: Airbnb Is Conquering Italy. One City Is Fighting Back, November 30
Gazeta Wyborcza: Rozlewająca się zabudowa Warszawy pochłania miejską zieleń [RAPORT, CZĘŚĆ 3.], December 1

Unsurprising, sad, and always important to remember — violence against women is still a problem around the world: España protege de forma desigual a las víctimas de violencia de género: algunos juzgados rechazan el 70% de las órdenes, November 29
Gênero e Número: Cônjuges ou namorados são autores de um a cada oito estupros de mulheres no Brasil, November 28

Let’s move on to something happier — memories in pop culture:

El País: Descifrando ‘Cuéntame’: 420 episodios y más de 1.000 personajes que han contado nuestras vidas, November 29
Diario ABC: Maria Callas, un caleidoscopio inagotable de colores, December 2

We also learned interesting things about sleep, the origin of country names, and submarines:

Le Monde: Dans les limbes des mécanismes du sommeil, November 28
Financial Times: Should we believe Americans when they say the economy is bad?, December 1
Le Monde: Découvrez l’origine de tous les noms de pays : « Hommes intègres », « nation centrale », « frontière des Danes »…, December 1
El Confidencial: Semblanza Con Todos Los Grises Del Primer Submarino Español: La Saga/fuga Del S-81 Isaac Peral, November 30

What else we found interesting

UCLAB Potsdam: “Last week @jona Pomerance presented the interactive and narrated #BetterCatastrophe flowchart at #infoplus2023 in Edinburgh. For this occasion we also released Interactive Flowchart as a free reusable template with detailed explanations of its structure, a visual step-by-step tutorial, and 12 student examples covering a range of well-known personal dilemmas,” (Mastodon, Project)
The Straits Times: The night chaos broke out: Little India riot, 10 years on, December 3
RJ Andrews: “By circulating dollar bills stamped with fact-based infographics, Occupy George informs the public of America’s daunting economic disparity one bill at a time,” December 2 (Tweet)

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