Data Vis Dispatch, February 13

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 129th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include war, football, and Valentine’s Day.

Unsurprisingly, football — both kinds — was the subject of many charts this week:

Bloomberg: NFL Succession Crisis Forces Teams to Let Private Equity In, February 9
Bloomberg: Americans Are Taking Over English Football Everywhere, February 7
Nicolas Mondon | Pointu: Déjouer les pronostics ?, February 13
The Wall Street Journal: Why Three Media Giants Made a Hail Mary Bet on Sports Streaming, February 11
The Wall Street Journal: Super Bowl Ads: More Star Power, More Candy and Other Trends in Five Charts, February 8

But the fun pretty much stops there. This week also saw visualizations of killing, displacement, and destruction in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as simmering conflict over oil in Iran and Guyana:

The Washington Post: The journalists killed in Gaza — and what they tried to show the world, February 9
Financial Times: Visual analysis: Gaza’s last refuge becomes Israel’s next target, February 8
Financial Times: Inside Mariupol: Russia’s new Potemkin village, February 7
The Wall Street Journal: Venezuela Deploys Military to Oil-Rich Guyana’s Border, February 9
Bloomberg: The Oil Was From Iran. The Insurance Was From New York, February 8

The past twelve months were the first ever to register 1.5 degrees of warming from global pre-industrial averages. Avoiding that threshold is the basis of the 2015 Paris Agreement:

Financial Times: Critical 1.5C threshold breached over 12-month period for first time, February 8
El País: Un nuevo mapa para activar las alertas por calor: ¿a partir de qué temperaturas se disparan las muertes en tu zona?, February 9
Grist: Misplaced Trust, February 7

Around the world, climate politics are often seen as a young person’s issue. But young voters don’t reject conservative parties so much as they do one Conservative Party:

Financial Times: Why are young people deserting conservatism in Britain but nowhere else?, February 9
The New York Times: Trump Leads Biden in Number of Small Donors, February 6
SBS News: 수많은 트랙터가 프랑스 고속도로를 가로막은 이유는?, February 7

Economic charts this week covered corporate strategy and cost of living issues:

Zeit Online: So teuer sind die Mieten in Ihrer Stadt im Deutschland-Vergleich, February 7
The Wall Street Journal: Why Americans Are So Down on a Strong Economy, February 7
The Wall Street Journal: 40% of Lawyers Are Women. 7% Are Black. America’s Workforce in Charts, February 9
The Wall Street Journal: Who’s Who in the Battle Over Disney’s Board, February 6
Bloomberg: Brookfield Wants $15 Billion for Real Estate Bet After Stumbles, February 6

Including not one, but three visualizations on the costs of Valentine’s Day:

The Economist: The Economist’s cost-of-loving index, February 12
Axios: Red Sea, climate-juiced weather heat up cocoa prices, February 8
The Washington Post: Why giving roses on Valentine’s Day — or any day — is really a bad idea, February 12

What else we found interesting

The Washington Post: Inside the plays: The blitz and the ‘corn dog’ that won the Chiefs the Super Bowl, February 12
Peter Gorman: “The U.S. states with the most neighboring states,” February 10 (Tweet)
South China Morning Post: All you need to know about dragons, February 6

Applications are open for…

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