Data Vis Dispatch, January 10

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 76th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include the U.S. House Speaker election, extreme weather, and space travel.

The U.S. House of Representatives elected its speaker, Kevin McCarthy, on Saturday — after 15 rounds of voting.

The New York Times: Vote Count: McCarthy Elected House Speaker After 15 Ballots, January 4
The Washington Post: How each House member voted for speaker in 15 ballots, January 6
NBC News: The House speaker election, in three charts, January 6

The 118th U.S. Congress, first assembled on January 3, will follow up on the work of its predecessors with a record number of female members.

The Economist: America’s 117th Congress accomplished a lot. So did its recent predecessors, January 3
Pew Research Center: 118th Congress has a record number of women, January 3

Similarly, Brazil’s new government has the highest number of women ministers in the country’s history, 11 of the total 37.

NEXO: Gabinete de Lula tem recorde de mulheres, mas sem paridade, January 3

In the United Kingdom, political donations, gifts, and earnings have become easier to find.

Tortoise: The Westminster Accounts, January 8

Early January has already brought severe storms to the United States and broken temperature records in Europe.

The Financial Times: Scientists study how wavy jet stream plus ‘extra warmth’ fuels extreme weather, January 9
The Washington Post: California’s not done. Three more atmospheric rivers are on the way, January 6
USA Today: Back-to-back storms batter California: Graphics show how the coastal state has been drenched, January 6
Reuters: Explaining the atmospheric river and bomb cyclone, January 6

NASA and SpaceX are both reaching for the Moon, with flights planned for this and the following years. What does an increase in space exploration mean for the night sky and the Earth’s orbit?

The Washington Post: Inside the rockets that NASA and SpaceX plan to send to the moon, January 9
The Washington Post: Starlink satellite trains: Is this the future of the night sky?, January 6
Our World in Data: Space Exploration and Satellites, January 3

Tech companies continue to lay off employees in large numbers. After layoffs at Twitter two months ago, users turned to a competing platform, Mastodon, but not all of them stayed.

The Wall Street Journal: Tech Layoffs Are Happening Faster Than at Any Time During the Pandemic, January 3
The Guardian: Elon Musk drove more than a million people to Mastodon – but many aren’t sticking around, January 7

What else we found interesting

El País: El Olentzero, las Anjanas o el Apalpador: así son los seres mágicos que traen regalos en España además de los Reyes y Papá Noel, January 4
The Washington Post: What is commotio cordis? How a hit can stop a heart, January 5

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