Data Vis Dispatch, January 28: Snowfall, astronauts, and electricity

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 178th edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include freezing cold temperatures, astronauts, and clean electricity.

Submarine cables span the globe, and countries depend on their functioning. Recently, their sabotage has become more present:

The Wall Street Journal: Suspected Sabotage of Deep-Sea Cable Triggers First NATO-Led Response, January 27
Financial Times: Baltic Sea data cable damaged in latest case of potential sabotage, January 26
de Volkskrant: Sabotage onder water: de Russische schaduwoorlog legt kwetsbaarheid van het Westen bloot, January 24
Financial Times: Taiwan blacklists Chinese-owned ‘shadow fleet’ ships, January 27

The past week featured diverse visualizations in the environmental cluster. First: sustainability goals for organic farmland and CO₂ absorption and emission:

The European Correspondent: Which country has the most organic farmland?, January 27
Woodwell Climate Research Center: After millennia as carbon dioxide sink, more than one-third of Arctic-boreal region is now a source, January 21

… second, increasing number of electric vehicles (at least in most countries), but uneven distribution of charging stations:

Financial Times: Petrol cars are on the way out. Are you ready to go electric?, January 23
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Deutsche Autokonzerne beliefern 17 Prozent des Weltmarktes [Chart description: New registrations of purely battery-electric vehicles], January 27

… and finally, a reduction in the share of coal in Europe’s electricity generation, as well as ongoing subsidies for fossil fuels:

Ember: European Electricity Review 2025, January 23
Our World in Data: How much subsidies do fossil fuels receive?, January 27

A perfect moment to switch to weather visualizations: U.S. weather phenomena have shifted from fires to rare record snowfall:

Financial Times: Climate graphic of the week: Wild January weather assails the US, January 26
New York Times: Tracking Freezing Temperatures in the U.S., January 28
Bloomberg: Deep Freeze Propels Power Demand on Largest US Grid to Winter Record, January 22

But visualizations of fires are not over, especially as the U.S. is not alone in becoming more prone to wildfires:

Bloomberg: Nonstop Wildfires Are Straining the Global Arsenal to Fight Them, January 22
The Economist: Which parts of the world are becoming more prone to wildfires?, January 22

It’s still January, so recaps of 2024 are still legitimate. Here fires and heat are prominent, too:

Diario SUR: España cierra su segundo ejercicio con menos bosques quemados en 50 años [Chart title: History of the area burned by forest fires], January 24
InfoAmazonia: Mais da metade dos municípios da Amazônia passou 2024 inteiro em seca [Chart description: Exceptional drought was detected in Tarauacá in August, a rare level that occurs when there is a combination of low rainfall, thermal and water stress], January 25
Nightingale: Insights from NYC’s Holiday Tipping Tradition, January 22

Certainly, visualizations about the U.S., and especially the decisions of the Trump administration and the people affected by them, won’t stop anytime soon:

The Washington Post: Trump’s DEI push doesn’t level the playing field. It digs trenches, January 24
The Boston Globe: Data: How many in New England could be impacted by mass deportations?, January 24
Nexo Jornal: O número de imigrantes não autorizados nos EUA [Chart title: The number of unauthorized immigrants in the US], January 24

Social media influenced the election and was an issue in the election. It only makes sense that social media is popping up more and more in the visualization world:

Bloomberg: The Second Trump Presidency, Brought to You by YouTubers, January 22
Der Spiegel: Was wir nicht sehen sollen [Chart description: Frequencies of reasons for moderation by platform operators from October to December 2024, by platform in percent], January 25

A quick excursion into German politics, where several demonstrations against the extreme right are planned in the course of the upcoming federal elections:

taz: Die Demos gegen rechts sind zurück [Chart title: Planned demonstrations against right-wing extremism], January 22

Last but not least in Politics: War and terror:

Financial Times: ‘Explosions every day’: Israeli troops entrench in southern Lebanon, January 25
CNN: Gaza is a nightmare after 15 months of war. A visual guide to life on the ground now, January 22
Le Monde: L’Afrique, refuge des ambitions de l’organisation Etat islamique, January 26

You know what sometimes is fun in data visualization? Charting people, be they astronauts, famous soccer players, or everyday people. And it is even more fun when we can find ourselves in them:

Scientific American: Everyone Who Has Ever Been to Space, Charted, January 21
FlowingData: Work Cohorts, January 27
Maps Mania: Biographical Mapping, January 24

What do single-parent hotspots, rising jerky prices in Malaysia, and tourist apartments in Spain have in common? We don’t know … yet, but they deserve to be listed here:

The Washington Post: ‘Kindergarten Cop’ lied to us. This is the real single-parent capital of America, January 24
El País: Dos de cada tres municipios ya tienen pisos turísticos [Two out of three municipalities already have tourist apartments], January 24
图懂天下: 500克肉干竟已涨至上百令吉!这五年来通膨年兽”吃”掉了多少片肉干? [Chart title: How many cases of soda can you buy with 500 grams of jerky?], January

What else we found interesting

Reuters: Cozy Comfort, January 27
Jan Willem Tulp: “End of last year I had a lot of fun with a #sideproject creating an oil painting simulation that paints a photo you upload. Still lots of improvements possible, but quite alright results. (video sped up 8x),” January 24 (Bluesky)

Applications are open for…

  • An academic employee for teaching AI skills in design and data science at the Interaction Design Lab at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
  • A visual journalist at The New York Times in London

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