Data Vis Dispatch, January 30

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 127th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include the Republican primary in New Hampshire, gender political identity, and transportation.

Zeit Online published several articles this week using an interactive matrix that allows readers to stake out a position and compare themselves to others:

Zeit Online: Ja zum Klimaschutz, nein zu den Kosten, January 25
Zeit Online: Sie füllen eine Lücke, January 26

Maps about the Israel-Hamas war cover possible Israeli plans for Gaza, a visual investigation of the destruction in Gaza, and — as the unrest has spread — a scrollytelling look at Houthi attacks in the Red Sea:

The Wall Street Journal: Israel Builds Buffer Zone Along Gaza Border, Risking New Rift With U.S., January 25
The Guardian: How war destroyed Gaza’s neighbourhoods – visual investigation, January 30
Le Figaro: Mer Rouge : comment les Houthis sabotent le commerce mondial, January 25

Other visualizations of war look at Pakistan, where thousands have been abducted and tortured in an ongoing conflict between separatists and the government, and the damage to the natural landscape in Ukraine:

Kontinentalist: Pakistan’s untold war: No justice for Balochistan’s disappeared, January 29
The Conflict and Environment Observatory: Ukraine conflict environmental briefing; 7. Nature, January 27

Papers were full of U.S. election news this week as Trump maintained his frontrunner status in the Republican primary in New Hampshire. We saw visualizations of voting behavior over the years and what voters’ circumstances can tell us about their choices:

The Washington Post: Trump wins N.H. suburban voters, a previous weak spot, January 24
The Wall Street Journal: Here’s Where Trump’s Support Grew the Most in New Hampshire, January 24
Financial Times: Donald Trump’s big New Hampshire win hides White House electability issues, January 2

But some are looking at Trump’s calendar, which is full of court appearances and negotiations over criminal convictions and civil liabilities, in addition to political appointments:

The Wall Street Journal: How Trump’s Courtroom Calendar Collides With His Campaign Calendar, January 26

A Financial Times chart on the political divergence of young men and women went viral, leading to many more data visualizations on the topic:

Financial Times: A new global gender divide is emerging, January 26
Tom Wood: “Inspired by @janzilinsky-gender x age differences on 52 policy items in 2020 Nationscape poll. My changes: *Plotting gender differences rather than agreement *Numerical summaries Amount youth, gender *policy* differences appear smaller than differences in lib/con affiliation,” January 27 (Tweet)

On the climate and environment: The cold is returning, forests are fleeing the heat, and people are dying from rain:

Robert Simmon: Overview First, Details on Demand: Mapping Extreme Temperatures with Contours, January 13
La Vanguardia: La velocidad de un árbol: los bosques huyen del cambio climático, January 27
Folha de S.Paulo: Chuvas causaram a morte de mais de 4.000 pessoas no Brasil em 32 anos, January 27

Transportation was huge this week, from motorcycle routes to train networks to infrastructure planning:

The Wall Street Journal: How a Motorcycle Maven Rules a Famous Mountain Road, January 28
FlowingData: World railway map, January 30
Bloomberg: Linking 17,000 Islands in Indonesia Tests a Nation on the Rise, January 27
Financial Times: Birmingham pays the price for UK’s infrastructure gap, January 25

Our last cluster is for small multiples, whether of lines, donuts, or tree maps:

The Straits Times: How Singapore Builds Communities in the Sky, January 29
Frankfurter Allgemeine gesamt: “Die Akzeptanz für Asylmigration ist entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Asylpolitik. Doch Geflüchtete kommen in Deutschland deutlich langsamer als in anderen EU-Ländern an einen Job. Was passiert, wenn sie sofort arbeiten dürften, schreibt @danahajek_,” January 23 (Tweet, Article)
Datadista: La reserva de agua de los embalses en España, al 50,9% de su capacidad, January 24
Folha de S.Paulo: Aos 470 anos, São Paulo tem disparidade extrema na ocupação dos bairros, January 24

Finally — world languages, drought in Panama, and the climate costs of artificial intelligence:

Visual Capitalist: The State of the World’s 7,168 Living Languages, January 27
The New York Times: Panama Canal Drought Slows Cargo Traffic, January 26
SBS News: ChatGPT랑 대화하면 생수 1병이 소비된다고?, January 25

What else we found interesting

Attila Bátorfy: “Statistics using real photos of children, and statistics using multiplication of human figures. From Hungarian newspaper Új Idők, 1899!!!,” January 24 (Tweet)

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