Data Vis Dispatch, January 31

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 79th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include wintery weather, social inequality, and inflation.

Extreme cold gripped the North of Asia last week, bringing record low temperatures and snowfall to Russia, China, and Japan.

The Financial Times: Northern Asia suffers extreme cold, January 28

In the United States, snowfall covered the mountains of California but many cities including New York have seen less snow than usual. How does this year’s snowfall compare to the average winter season in your city?

The Wall Street Journal: California Has Tons of Snow. Will That Help Cities and Farms in the Summer?, January 28
The New York Times: You Call That Snow?! See How This Winter Stacks Up, January 26

Looking back at the weather patterns of the last few years, 2022 stands out for yet another reason — the changes in lightning strikes. Similar to record temperatures and storms, these shifts also signal a changing climate.

The Washington Post: Where lightning struck the least in 2022, and why that is worrisome, January 25

And seven states along the shrinking Colorado river might soon face cuts to their water supply.

The New York Times: As the Colorado River Shrinks, Washington Prepares to Spread the Pain, January 27

In Europe, new data on household income shows a wealth divide in — and among — German cities, while the majority of the U.K. struggles to level up along with London.

ZEIT ONLINE: Die Muster der Ungleichheit, January 30
Bloomberg: UK’s Poorer Regions Fall Further Behind in Blow to Sunak’s ‘Levelling Up’ Pledge, January 25

Inflation has reached European sugar aisles, and consumers in the U.S. are spending less.

The Economist: Europe’s next inflation victim? Sugary treats, January 27
The Wall Street Journal: The U.S. Consumer Is Starting to Freak Out, January 30

Surprisingly, there are far more jobs available in the U.S. labor market than there are workers.

The Economist: Where have all America’s workers gone?, January 24

Other issues in the United States include flight cancellations, access to abortion pills, and the growing number of mass shootings.

Los Angeles Times: Making travel plans? Southwest’s holiday meltdown may be a sign of air travel drama to come, January 26
The Wall Street Journal: States Are Next Battlegrounds for Abortion Pill Access, January 27
The Wall Street Journal: Dozens of Major Shootings Sweep the U.S. in January, January 24

And more notable charts and maps of the week cover, among others, the changing routes of oil shipments, train delays in Germany, flocks of birds in Rome, and the birthday of São Paulo.

The Wall Street Journal: Russia’s War on Ukraine Changed Global Oil Trade. Here Is What It Looks Like Now, January 26

SPIEGEL: So pünktlich sind die Züge an Ihrem Bahnhof, January 25
NEXO: Com mais de 12 milhões de habitantes, São Paulo completa 469 anos, January 25
The Washington Post: The birds are by turns mesmerizing and maddening, January 26
The Outlier: African passports, January 30
The Wall Street Journal: In 2023 Oscar Nominations, Blockbusters Back in Best-Picture Mix, January 25

What else we found interesting

Quartz: Humanity is closer to self-destruction than ever before, January 24
El Confidencial: Un mensaje blindado de 60 toneladas para Vladímir Putin, January 26
El País: Siete ventajas que hacen del Leopard 2 el mejor tanque para la guerra de Ucrania, January 28
The Wall Street Journal: What Makes the M1 Abrams So Critical to the Russia-Ukraine War?, January 25

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