Data Vis Dispatch, July 2

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 149th edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include elections in France, the U.K., and the U.S.

2024 election madness continues! This week was France’s (first) turn:

Bloomberg: Le Pen’s Support Surges in Nearly Every City, Town and Village in France, July 1
Le Monde: La carte des résultats des législatives au premier tour et le tableau des candidats qualifiés, July 1
Financial Times: The dazzling rise and fall of Macronism, June 28
The Guardian: French left and centrists scramble to unite against far right for election runoff, July 1
Le Figaro: Législatives : la carte des résultats du Rassemblement national, June 6
Financial Times: RN opponents race against time to keep far right out of power, July 1

The majority of seats will now go to a runoff. Candidates in a three-way race can choose to strategically stand down — though not all of them have:

Le Monde: Législatives 2024 : y aura-t-il une triangulaire dans votre circonscription ? Retrouvez notre décompte des candidatures pour le second tour, July 1
Le Figaro: Résultats législatives 2024 : les duels, triangulaires et quadrangulaires du second tour en carte, July 1
Le Monde: Législatives 2024 : le rapport de force politique dans les triangulaires annoncées, entre RN, NFP et camp présidentiel, July 2
Le Monde: Comprendre les conséquences des résultats du premier tour : le RN présent dans la majorité des circonscriptions au second tour, en duel ou en triangulaire, July 1
The Economist: Who will control the National Assembly?, July 2

Support for the far right in France has a strong urban-rural divide, but age and gender are not major factors:

Bloomberg: Mapping Le Pen’s Route to an Absolute Majority in France, June 26
Le Monde: Législatives : les seuils de voix varient de 1 à 50 selon les circonscriptions pour se qualifier au second tour, June 27
Financial Times: Five takeaways from France’s election, July 1
Zeit Online: Wo die Rechtsradikalen punkten, July 1

France’s runoffs are only five days away, but that still doesn’t make them the next major national elections! In the U.K., Conservatives are scheduled for a resounding defeat on Thursday:

Financial Times: How the Conservatives came to the brink of wipeout, June 28
The Economist: Our new “mega-poll” gives Labour an expected majority of 280 seats, June 26
Financial Times: Labour campaign data reveals ambition for record majority, June 28

Issues in the campaign have included sewage mismanagement and a critical housing shortage:

Bloomberg: England’s Sewage-Infested Waters Spill Into Election Campaign, June 26 More great maps
The Guardian: Housing: how 14 years of Tory rule have changed Britain, July 1

And yes, there’s still the U.S. presidential race:

The New York Times: Tracking the Attacks in the First Presidential Debate, June 27
The Washington Post: Even among world leaders, Biden and Trump are old, June 25
The Washington Post: 4.1 million migrants: Where they’re from, where they live in the U.S., June 26
The New York Times: Inflation’s Wild Ride, June 26

I guess you’ll see election news in every Dispatch this year. What you won’t get every time — three beautiful maps from Zeit Online on housing issues in Germany:

Zeit Online: Wem Deutschland gehört, June 27
Zeit Online: Wo umziehen unmöglich ist, June 26
Zeit Online: Deutschland, fixiert auf Öl und Gas, June 29

Or three projects, from the Financial Times and New York Times, integrating maps with satellite imagery and old photographs:

The New York Times: The Vanishing Islands That Failed to Vanish, June 26
Financial Times: How the Taliban took over Afghanistan’s mines, June 26
Financial Times: Israel’s push to create a ‘dead zone’ in Lebanon, June 27

To wrap it up — the religious geography of America, activist investors in Japan, and the Tour de France:

The Washington Post: The most religious, and religiously diverse, places in America, June 28
Bloomberg: Activist Investing Booms in Japan, Led by Elliott’s Successes, June 26
Le Monde: Guide de la sieste sur le Tour de France 2024 : pour ne rater aucun moment fort de la Grande Boucle, June 28

What else we found interesting

New Hampshire Public Radio / The Pudding: Failures to act, June 26 Tough topic, great vis
El Confidencial: España maneja 600.000 datos para evitar los incendios, ¿por qué este pueblo sigue ardiendo cada año?, June 29

Applications are open for…

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