Data Vis Dispatch, July 9

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 150th edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include migration, Brazil, and (what else!) elections.

With turnout on Sunday at its highest level in decades, French voters reversed the far right’s lead to elect an alliance of left-wing parties to a parliamentary plurality:

Politico: Macron’s camp plots unlikely comeback amid French election chaos, July 9
Der Spiegel: Wo Macron noch vorn liegt – und wo die Linken triumphieren, July 8
CNN: What happened in France’s shock election, and what comes next?, July 8
Zeit Online: Wie Frankreich gewählt hat, July 8

155 out of 577 French constituencies changed their political colors, some of them quite dramatically. One strategy that helped overcome Le Pen’s far-right National Rally was the targeted withdrawal of candidates from other parties in order to increase each other’s electoral chances:

Le Monde: Législatives 2024 : 155 circonscriptions changent de couleur politique, July 8
Bloomberg: French Left Alliance Wins Most Seats, Far Right Fails to Carry First-Round Victory, July 8

Nevertheless, the rise of the National Rally in recent years should not be underestimated. Le Monde provided a detailed story:

Le Monde: De la marginalité aux portes du pouvoir, le lepénisme à la conquête du territoire, July 3 More visualizations, neat story!

Meanwhile, the headline result in Thursday’s U.K. general election surprised no one — a historic defeat for the Conservative Party. Tactical voting also played a big role here, with Labour and Lib Dem voters working together against Tory incumbents:

Reuters: British general election results, July 4
The Washington Post: Landslide win for U.K.’s Labour ends 14 years of Conservative rule, July 4
Bloomberg: 2024 UK General Election Results, July 7

There were drastic swings in many constituencies:

The New York Times: Anatomy of a Landslide, July 7
Zeit Online: Ein Land färbt sich rot, July 5
Folha de S.Paulo: Partido Conservador do Reino Unido amarga maior derrota desde sua fundação, July 5

Although Labour now holds a huge parliamentary majority, their share of votes was lower than expected from pre-election polling. Reasons for this include a split in the right-wing electorate and a late shift away from Labour just before Election Day:

The Guardian: Twelve charts that show how Labour won by a landslide, July 5
Bloomberg: Reform UK Surge Turned a Labour Election Win Into a Tory Wipeout, July 5
Financial Times: Why did the pollsters overestimate Labour’s vote?, July 9

What has Labour inherited? The results of 14 years of Conservative politics, including stagnant productivity, falling living standards, and struggling public services:

The Washington Post: How 14 years of Conservative government have changed Britain, July 5
The Economist: These charts show how Britain’s Tory party lost its way, July 2
The New York Times: The Conservatives Have Run Britain for 14 Years. How Has That Worked Out?, July 3

Now for an election that could hardly be more complicated: Thailand’s six-round senate race based on 20 occupational categories. This chart tries shed some light on the process — you can see that people elected in the “crossover” round also tended to finish at the top within their occupational group:

WeVis: 3 ประเด็นชวนเม้าท์! หลังจบ #เลือกตั้งสว, July 3

Did you know that world leaders are on average almost twice as old as the people they govern? Oh, and that some have been in office for a looong time:

El Orden Mundial: La gerontocracia o cómo gobernar el mundo con más de sesenta años, July 8
theeuropeancorrespondent: “What did your country’s leadership look like these past 10 years? […],” July 8 (Instagram)

Two visualizations on GDP. First, the Economist shows cost differences and working hours change international rankings. Then a look at how Selangor, a state on the west coast of Malaysia surrounding Kuala Lumpur, contributes almost half of the country’s GDP:

The Economist: The world’s richest countries in 2024, July 4
Graphicacy: 2023年经济成绩单揭晓 看看我们为国家贡献多少, July 5

Oil exploration on indigenous territories and an effort to criminalize abortion as simple homicide — two sad stories from Brazil this week:

InfoAmazonia: Novas áreas para exploração de petróleo previstas para 2025 impactam nove terras indígenas na Amazônia, July 5
Gênero e Número: Ofensivas contra o aborto legal na Câmara dos Deputados, July 8

Although Russia does not disclose the number of its soldiers killed or injured in its invasion of Ukraine, various sources suggest that casualties recently passed a new milestone. Plus another rising death toll, of migrant workers in South Korea due to industrial accidents:

The Economist: How many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine?, July 5
SBS News: 더 위험한 곳엔 어김없이 그들이 있었다, July 4

More on migration, including migrant children in the U.S. placed with untrustworthy guardians in the early Biden years, and a detailed analysis of immigrants in Germany:

The Wall Street Journal: U.S. Officials Wanted to Avoid Trump’s ‘Kids in Cages’ Problem. Doing So Created Another Dilemma, July 8
Der Spiegel: So leben Deutschlands Einwanderer, July 8 Check out the full article!

In sports, the ongoing European Football Championship and people running away from bulls:

Nexo Jornal: 10 anos do 7 a 1: como estão as seleções do Brasil e da Alemanha, July 7
Diario Diario Sur: El recorrido del encierro de San Fermín, tramo a tramo, July 5

Our miscancellous section this week may be at the end, but is no less important. This year’s Global Gender Gap Report paints a depressing picture for Italian women, who lag far behind men, especially in economic participation. And NATO is strengthening its eastern border with Russia:

Francesca Sanna: “Come si rappresenta una discriminazione? I dati bastano? […],” July 2 (LinkedIn)
Le Monde: On NATO’s eastern flank, on the border with Russia, the “pre-war era” has begun, July 7

What else we found interesting

The Washington Post: What would happen if Russia detonated a nuclear bomb in space?, July 6

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