Data Vis Dispatch, June 14

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 49th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include pollution, inflation, and legislative elections in France.

This week’s miscellaneous section was too good to leave for last:

Bloomberg : More People Are Moving to Manhattan Than Before the Pandemic, June 8
The Economist: The grandchildren of China’s pre-revolutionary elite are unusually rich, June 9
South China Morning Post: Life in Hong Kong’s shoebox housing, June 7

Russia continues its attack on Ukraine:

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Interactive map: How the Ukraine war is developing, day by day, June 10
Zeit Online: Falsche russische Strategie am Siwerskyj Donez?, June 13
Le Monde: Guerre en Ukraine : menacés d’enlisement sur le terrain, Kiev et Moscou adaptent leur stratégie, June 8
The New York Times: Who Will Remember the Horrors of Ukraine?, June 13

In blockading Ukraine’s ports on the Black Sea, Russia also risks provoking a global food crisis:

The Guardian: The Black Sea blockade: mapping the impact of war in Ukraine on the world’s food supply, June 9
Financial Times: Climate graphic of the week: War and climate put 49mn people at risk of famine, June 10

While at the same time, oil exports from Russia to the EU are up since the beginning of this year:

The Economist: Russia is pumping more oil to Europe than it was before the war, June 7

The war is one factor behind rising inflation around the world. We saw charts with the latest numbers from the United States, Russia, France, Poland, and Germany:

The New York Times: Consumer Prices Rose Rapidly in May, June 10
The Economist: Russia’s economy appears to be back on track, June 10
Le Monde: Dans une période de hausse brutale des prix en France, une partie du pays se serre la ceinture, June 8
Gazeta Wyborcza: W górę stopy, w górę serca! Jak politycy tłumaczą, że rosnąca inflacja to nic takiego, June 10
Zeit Online: Wie der Krieg den Hunger verschlimmert, June 10

First-round legislative elections were held this Sunday in France:

Le Monde: Carte des résultats des législatives : les qualifiés circonscription par circonscription, June 14
Les Echos: Législatives : la géographie du vote en trois cartes, June 13
Le Figaro: Résultats législatives 2022 : LREM, Nupes, RN, LR… Quelles sont les affiches des duels de second tour ?, June 13
Libération: Les résultats du premier tour des législatives 2022 dans votre circonscription, June 12
Le Figaro: Ensemble !, Nupes, LR, RN : les résultats du premier tour des législatives, June 12
Clara Dealberto: “Les élections législatives arrivent et je pense que c’est l’occasion de vous présenter cet étonnant (le mot est faible) cartogramme EN CAMEMBERTS de 1936, déniché sur @GallicaBnF Big up à Léon Bobovnikoff, qui n’avait pas peur de disrupter sec,” June 9 (Tweet, Source)

U.S political charts covered primary elections in Los Angeles and partisan sentiment over the past 45 years:

The Lost Angeles Times: Whom did your neighborhood vote for in the L.A. mayoral primary?, June 10
FiveThirtyEight: How To Host A Congressional Hearing That Actually, Like, Does Something, June 9

Finally, environmental topics included everything from industrial pollution in Antwerp to the dangers of litter in space:

Bloomberg: 3M’s ‘Forever Chemicals’ Crisis Has Come to Europe, June 10
Gazeta Wyborcza: Pożary w Rosji nie gasną. Oprócz obrzucanych koktajlami Mołotowa komisji poborowych płoną lasy na Syberii, June 13
El País: Ríos imposibles: las 171.000 barreras que rompen el curso de agua en España, June 12
Financial Times: How space debris threatens modern life, June 8

What else we found interesting

The Washington Post: How the Watergate scandal broke to the world: A visual timeline, June 13
Attila Bátorfy: “first part of the #dh #history project of 18. District of Budapest where I grew up and I lived for 30 years. In collab with the local museum and collection, Tomory Lajos Múzeum,” June 7 (Tweet, Article)
Bloomberg: Larry Ellison’s Lanai Isn’t for You—or the People Who Live There, June 9
The Economist: Huge “foundation models” are turbo-charging AI progress, June 11

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