Data Vis Dispatch, June 18

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 147th edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week are energy, electric vehicles, and the 2024 European Championships.

We begin this Dispatch with two detailed block-by-block street maps that almost remind us of Piet Mondrian:

The Wall Street Journal: New York City Traffic Is Horrendous. There’s No Relief in Sight, June 12
Los Angeles Times: The best spots to see 58,000 jacaranda trees in L.A., O.C, June 14

Visualizations about the European elections haven’t stopped. We found a critical analysis of the visualizations themselves, plus comparisons with the previous European elections of 2019:

Karim Douïeb: “Land doesn’t vote, people do! French edition. Each municipality was transformed into a dot, with the area of the dot proportional to the number of voters, a more accurate representation of voting patterns. Nonetheless, right-wing support remains concerning,” June 12 (Tweet)
Le Monde: European elections: the far right in force in the founding countries of the EU, June 13
theeuropeancorrespondent: “What was the vote share like in your country? The 2024 EU elections are over. Although Europe broadly favored conservative to right-wing parties, there are national differences in the vote turnout. Some countries such as Finland or Lithuania have swung the opposite way, with increasing support for left-wing parties. Created by Sebastian Graeff,” June 17 (Instagram Post)
Atlo: Orbán és Magyar alatt végleg összeomlott a baloldali-liberális ellenzék, June 12

That’s not the end of elections this week — not nearly. Let’s continue with predictions about the upcoming U.S. elections:

The Wall Street Journal: Why Democrats Keep Losing the Battle for Small-Town America, June 15
The New York Times: If Everyone Voted, Would Biden Benefit? Not Anymore, June 15
The Wall Street Journal: What Type of Voter Are You? Take Our Poll to Find Out, June 11

The upcoming U.K. election on July 7th has received a lot of attention. See how sustainability issues could influence the results:

Bloomberg: Tory Voters Are Greener Than UK’s Rishi Sunak Thinks, June 14
Financial Times: In charts: the legacy of 14 years of Conservative rule, June 12
The Courier: Who are the Dundee, Fife, Angus, Perthshire and Stirling general election candidates?, June 13

And finally, France’s upcoming snap election and what India’s results can tell us about Hindu nationalism:

Le Monde: Elections législatives 2024 : la carte des investitures Nouveau Front populaire (et ce qui a changé depuis la Nupes de 2022), June 16
Le Monde: L’emprise politique du nationalisme hindou, June 15

Electric vehicles are not only politically relevant, but also important from an economic point of view:

Bloomberg: European Officials Say China EV Tariffs May Be Around 25%, June 12

Related economic charts cover energy, from commodities to high prices with negative social effects:

Bloomberg: Deadly and Wildly Profitable, Uranium Fever Breaks Out, June 13
Strategic Perspectives: EU Gas Insight, June 12 Noteworthy Report
Diario Sur: La pobreza energética achicharra en verano, June 13

It’s still June, which means it’s Pride Month. This week’s #TidyTuesday provides data on campus pride:

Nikos Pechlivanis: “Campus Pride Index for this week’s #TidyTuesday challenge,” June 14 (Tweet)
Georgios Karamanis: “Campus Pride Index for this week’s #TidyTuesday, testing out @EvaMaeRey’s very promising {ggcirclepack},” June 16 (Tweet)

Whistles, rattles, and tubas are blowing, flags are waving: Euro 2024 has begun. The world of visualizations is full of fun, interactive charts that allow us to play coach for a moment:

Zeit Online: Hilf Julian, June 14
Mundo Deportivo: Eurocopa, June 11
Gazeta Wyborcza: Jak z czterech drużyn zrobiło się 24. Tak rosły mistrzostwa Europy, June 13
Der Spiegel: Die 621 EM-Teilnehmer im Datencheck, June 17

We saw maps of conflict over fishing rights in East Africa and balloons in Korea:

GreenAfia: Des pêcheurs ne peuvent plus vivre de la pêche sur le lac Edouard en RDC, June 11
Reuters: Balloon offensive, June 11

From conflict to crime:

The Washington Post: Abused by the badge, June 12

Drum roll for the miscellaneous section: Do you know what changes? Almost everything, including growing seasons, statelessness, diseases, and NASA’s budget:

mathieu rudaz: “The development of vegetation has never been as early as this year in Switzerland. I visualized the lengthening of phenological springs with data dating back to the 1950s,” June 14 (Tweet, Article)
Тексти: Європейці без громадянства: як відсутність громадянства означає життя без прав, — EDJNet, June 17
Bloomberg: Yes, Everyone Really Is Sick a Lot More Often After Covid, June 15
SBS News: 민간으로 흐름 넘어간 우주 산업, 우리나라는?, June 13

What else we found interesting

The Wall Street Journal: How Ambitious Plans for a Floating Aid Pier off Gaza Fell Apart, June 12
La Vanguardia: El láser se abre paso en el campo de batalla, June 12

Applications are open for…

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