Data Vis Dispatch, June 25

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 148th edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include family, football, and U.K. elections.

First, climate and the weather. This week saw its fair share of orange-to-red maps visualizing extreme and deadly temperatures:

The Pudding: Climate Zones: How will your city feel in the future?, June 20
The Wall Street Journal: Scorching Heat Ravages Hajj as More Than 1,170 Pilgrims Die, June 21
NASA Earth Observatory: A Blast of Heat in the East, June 19
SBS News: 올해 여름, 구독자 마음의 준비 됐어?, June 20
Stat Tribune: We’re watching these 4 Minnesota rivers for flooding, June 24

Energy policy is linked to climate change, so let’s look at that next. This chart from The Economist is perhaps the starkest this week:

The Economist: Sun Machines: Solar, an energy that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge, June 20
Bloomberg: Biden Is Giving Red Districts an Inconvenient Gift: Green Jobs, June 20
Financial Times: Energy emissions hit record high on rising fossil fuel demand, says report, June 20
CBSNews: Canada’s uncounted emissions: Going green at home while shipping oil and gas abroad, June 20

The numerous conflicts around the world go on — this week, we saw a focus on Sudan, the Sahel zone, and Gaza:

The New York Times: A Massacre Threatens Darfur — Again, June 19
Jules Duhamel: Central Sahel – Map of jihadist militant groups activity (Jan–May 2024), June 21
Reuters: How children starve: In Gaza, hunger is taking a toll on the bodies of children. The impact can last a lifetime, June 24

Related to both wars and climate — immigration and anti-immigrant backlash:

South China Morning Post: Lives in limbo: struggles of asylum seekers in Hong Kong, June 21
Inkyfada: طرد التونسيين·ـات من إيطاليا والتواطؤ الخفي لشركات الطيران, June 24

As you’re probably aware, the entire year of 2024 is election season. Next up is a general election in the U.K. on July 4. The media is busy charting out all the problems that the next government will hopefully fix:

The Guardian: The economy: how 14 years of Tory rule have changed Britain – in charts, June 20
Bloomberg: UK’s Housing Crisis Needs a London-Sized City to Fix It, June 25

When it comes to the actual U.K. election polls, the Conservatives really don’t have it easy right now:

The New York Times: How Support for Britain’s Conservative Party Is Collapsing, June 24
The Guardian: How the Lib Dems might double their seats despite fewer votes – visualised, June 18
YouGov: Votivation: are Britons voting for the party they like most, or against one they dislike?, June 20
Financial Times: Brace for the most distorted election result in British history, June 21

When it comes to the U.S. elections in November, people are not really happy with their options, either. The Washington Post calls it the “double hater” camp:

The Washington Post: Do swing-state voters share your priorities? Answer these 8 questions to find out, June 18
The Washington Post: Meet the ‘double haters’ who could decide the election, June 23

But wait, there’s more about elections — the just-past vote in the EU, and the upcoming ones in France (June 30 and July 7) and Brazil:

La Vanguardia: Así avanza la extrema derecha en Europa: En una de cada tres regiones de la UE el discurso ultra convence a más del 30% de los votantes, June 23
Financial Times: French parliamentary election tracker 2024, June 24
Nexo: Somados, PT e PL vão receber 30% dos R$ 4,9 bi do fundo eleitoral, June 19

This week in “crazy infrastructure”: giant data centers and looots of helicopter flights over New York City:

Bloomberg: AI is already wreaking havoc on global power systems, June 21
Bloomberg: Police Helicopter Flights and Spending Soar in New York City, June 18

And in the category “charts about health care that feature the color cyan”:

Bloomberg: England’s Hospital Finances Are Broken — and No Party Has a Cure, June 18
The Wall Street Journal: When Hospital Prices Go Up, Local Economies Take a Hit, June 23

In news from the animal kingdom, there are more lynx in Spain (that’s a good thing) and more mosquitoes in parts of the world where there weren’t any before (that’s a bad thing): El lince sale tras dos décadas de la categoría de especie “en peligro de extinción”, June 20
Financial Times: The race against time to defeat mosquito-borne diseases, June 18

Let’s switch over to some entertainment. Two men’s soccer championship are happening these days, the UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany and the Copa América in the United States:

Zeit Online: Wer kommt wie ins Achtelfinale?, June 21
Der Spiegel: Das sind die torgefährlichsten Spieler des Turniers, June 19
La Nacion: Fixture de la Copa América 2024, June 20

Bored of watching sports? Hollywood has 110 movie franchises ready for you to enjoy:

El País: La vuelta de ‘El señor de los anillos’, ‘Bad boys’ y el cine de las sagas infinitas: Hollywood mantiene vivas más de 110 franquicias, June 23

Bored of watching movies, too? Maybe try getting married and starting a family — you, too, could make an impact on the next charts showing birth rates.

Bloomberg: An Opinionated Guide to Big, Fat, Green Weddings, June 23
The Washington Post: The mysterious tyranny of trendy baby names, June 21
Our World in Data: “Most people agree that family is very important, no matter where they live […]”, June 19 (Tweet)
The Telegraph: Britain’s birth rate halves as wealthy countries face ‘low fertility future’, June 20
Nathan Yau: See Who is Older and Younger than You, June 18

What else we found interesting

Der Spiegel: Finden Sie den Ball?, June 24
The Straits Times: Oil spill in Singapore: The day the sea turned black, June 25

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