Data Vis Dispatch, June 4

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 145th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include the power of nature, the month of Pride, and a whole lot of elections.

This week has really produced a ton of exciting and unique scroll-based visualizations about everything from Musk’s company orbit to noise levels in restaurants:

Bloomberg: Elon’s Orbit, May 29
The Washington Post: What AI thinks a beautiful woman looks like, May 31
The Washington Post: Why restaurants are so loud, and what science says we can do about, June 2 Exceptional Visualizations

You know what else we found a ton of? Election visualizations! Sit back, because there are quite a few in this Dispatch. Mexico’s general elections were held on June 2, and Claudia Sheinbaum will become the first female president of Mexico. Visualizations explored the results, the voters, and the economic impact:

CNN: Claudia Sheinbaum projected to be Mexico’s first woman president, June 4
The New York Times: Mexico Election Results: Sheinbaum Wins, June 2
AS/COA: Poll Tracker: Mexico’s 2024 Presidential Vote, May 29
S&P Global: Infographic: How will Mexico’s presidential elections impact the energy sector?, May 30

India is currently (at the time of writing this Dispatch) in the process of vote counting:

Bloomberg: India Election Results, June 4
Financial Times: Narendra Modi set to lose parliamentary majority in shock Indian election result, June 4
The New York Times: 2024 India General Election: Live Results, June 6

The ruling African National Congress lost its majority in South Africa’s elections on May 29th. In the wake of the election, we found investigations into the economic situation in South Africa and, a lot broader, democracy on the African continent:

Al Jazeera: South Africa elections final results: What happens next?, June 3
Financial Times: In charts: 30 years of ANC rule in South Africa, May 29
The Economist: Despite flaws, South Africa’s democracy is stronger than its neighbours’, May 28

Almost done. Here are two more visualizations about future elections in the EU and UK:

Frederica Fragapane: “I designed a data visualization for the magazine thePeriod, exploring the difference in voter turnout rates between women and men in the member states of the European Union. This analysis focuses on the 2019 European Parliament elections,” June 3 (Tweet)
Financial Times: Predict the UK general election result, June 3

Staying with political visualizations, we look at the war between Russia and Ukraine. While visualizations are important, we would like to recall a quote from this Reuters article: “It’s not like it looks on a map with all these pretty lines and arrows … I see my friends, what’s happened to them, what we’re fighting. It’s hell, it’s worse than hell.” – Viktor, infantryman

The New York Times: What Ukraine Has Lost, June 3
Reuters: Life on Ukraine’s front line: ‘Worse than hell’ as Russia advances, May 29th
USA Today: Kharkiv under attack: Maps show why Biden approved Ukrainian strikes inside Russia, June 4

The visualizations on Israel and Gaza show the situation at the Egyptian border of the Gaza Strip and, related to this, an analysis of the blockade of the Suez Canal by the Houthis and the consequence of higher emissions:

The Wall Street Journal: Israel Says It Gains Control of Gaza Border With Egypt as Rafah Offensive Advances, May 29
Reuters: Escalating emissions, May 28

Environmental visualizations this week include a detailed look at the upcoming EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). Topics such as a massive landslide in northern Papua New Guinea and heavy rainfall in Germany show that nature is usually stronger than humankind:

Bloomberg: The Race to Map the World and Protect $110 Billion of Trade, June 1
Jan Kühn: “‘Extraordinarily’ refers to values above the 95th percentile or below the 5th percentile of the reference period (1961-1990). In other words, 70% of all days in 2024 had temperatures that would usually only be observed 5% of the time,” May 31 (Tweet)
Reuters: Buried alive, May 29
Der Spiegel: Dauerregen in Süddeutschland – Sorge vor Überschwemmungen, May 31
Zeit Online: So ist die Hochwasserlage in Deutschland, June 2

Here are three extraordinary small multiples: state electorates in the U.S., brand sales, and Chinese imports and exports with Western sanctioned countries:

Bloomberg: The 2024 Election Won’t Be Up To the Same Voters Who Chose Biden, May 30
The Wall Street Journal: Store Brands Are Filling Up More of Your Shopping Cart, May 29
The Wall Street Journal: How America Inadvertently Created an ‘Axis of Evasion’ Led by China, May 30

Is the best age for sports under 30 or at 51? It depends on the sport:

El Confidencial: “La suerte no existe”. Esta es la Biblia de la flor del Real Madrid en Europa, un rey que busca nueva corona, June 1
The Wall Street Journal: The Pro Golfer Who’s Hitting His Prime—at 51 Years Old, May 31

In the miscellaneous section, we have visualizations about Pride Month, milk, U.S. housing prices, and turbulence:

Our World in Data: There are large differences in LGBT+ rights across the world, June 3
World Wildlife Fund: Accelerating the Dairy Cold Chain’s Transition to Renewable Energy in India, May 31
Univision: Así se duplicó el precio de las casas en 10 años: esto es lo que ocurrió en tu estado, May 29
South China Morning Post: Havoc in the sky, May 31

We end this Dispatch with a recommendation to read, try, and experiment. Here is a visual guide to learning the basics of probability from Brown University:

AJ Thurston, PhD: “Seeing Theory by Brown University is such a great interactive way to learn the fundamentals of probability in #psychstats! It has #dataviz for more advanced concepts like regression and ANOVA, too! #IOPsych,” June 3 (Tweet, Website)

What else we found interesting

The New York Times: What My Dog Taught Me About Mortality, May 31
InfoNile: Kupungua kwa Idadi ya Samaki Kwasababisha Migogoro katika eneo la Uvuvi huko Homa Bay, Kenya, May 30

Applications are open for…

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