Data Vis Dispatch, March 19

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 134th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include Gen Z, forecasts, and a world tour.

Today we’re going on a world tour, so please fasten your seatbelts. We’ll start in Russia, where Vladimir Putin was “reelected” as president on March 17. We found several visualizations about Russian political history, voter behavior, and allies:

Nexo Jornal: Com 5º mandato, Putin pode superar Stalin em tempo no poder, March 18
Gazeta Wyborcza: CPK, wybory w Rosji, sytuacja w Ukrainie i 25 lat Polski w NATO, March 15
El País: Así funciona la red global que sostiene a Putin, March 17

Let’s move on to Europe and ask: Where can I take the night train?

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Die Renaissance der Nachtzüge, March 14

A brief zoom in on France. Two non-European media outlets have focused on the country this week, either because of the European Parliament elections or because of abortion rights:

Bloomberg: Will Marine Le Pen Succeed Macron as President of France?, March 12
SBS News: 여성의 임신중절 자유를 헌법에 넣은 프랑스, 우리나라 상황은?, March 14

We cross the Atlantic to the United States, where we find visualizations of undocumented immigration and a slow-moving Congress:

Univision: Así está cambiando la población indocumentada en EEUU, March 13 More to discover
Reuters: Why congress is becoming less productive, March 12 Lovely illustrations

We end our tour with two stories about crossing the whole world:

Rhodes Cartography: “Cables and Pipelines. Updated this one to include both gas and oil pipelines, thanks to data from @GlobalEnergyMon and @TeleGeography,” March 18 (Tweet)
Los Angeles Times: How explorers found Amelia Earhart’s watery grave. Or did they?, March 13

Weather forecasting has getting more accurate over time — even as the weather itself keeps changing:

Our World in Data: Weather forecasts have become much more accurate; we now need to make them available to everyone, March 12
The Washington Post: You’re not crazy. Spring is getting earlier. Find out how it’s changed in your town., March 13

Financial topics ranged from the Alpha Architect 1-3 Month Box ETF to child poverty:

The Wall Street Journal: Alpha Architect 1-3 Month Box ETF, March 13
Financial Times: How the UK is falling behind on tackling child poverty, March 17

Death statistics made several appearances in this week’s visualizations:

Scientific Discovery: #20: Many great things you missed this year, March 16
Gênero e Número: Dois em cada três mortos por dengue no DF são pessoas negras, March 13

When would you use a warm color scale? In the following charts, they represent lottery jackpots and ocean temperatures:

Prinz Magtulis: “Each week, at least one bettor is winning the jackpot prize in government-run lotteries in the Philippines this year, PCSO data showed […],” March 18 (Tweet, Article)
Financial Times: Climate graphic of the week: Oceans set heat records for more than 365 days in a row, March 17

Gen Z, meanwhile, is cool (color-wise). Or maybe that’s just the Wall Street Journal, where two visualizations dealt with the future of this generation and of one of its favorite apps, TikTok:

The Wall Street Journal: TikTok’s Business, in Charts, March 16
The Wall Street Journal: The Rough Years That Turned Gen Z Into America’s Most Disillusioned Voters, March 15

Once again, sports made it into the Dispatch:

The Wall Street Journal: LeBron James Has Done Everything in the NBA. Except This, March 13
The Wall Street Journal: Watching Sports Is a Mess. Can a New Streaming Service Fix That?, March 14

Last but not least, visualizations about Irish pub names (in the U.S.), age differences in married couples, and skincare:

The Washington Post: If you visit an Irish pub this St. Patrick’s Day, chances are good it has one of these names, March 14
FlowingData: Common Age Differences, Married Couples, March 13
Diario Sur: De no existir a adicción: la evolución del ‘skincare’, March 15

What else we found interesting

Reporterre: Paris sous l’eau, l’Occitanie en désert : ces cartes imaginent notre futur climatique, March 13
The Washington Post: Follow a mile-by-mile map of the total solar eclipse, March 13

Applications are open for…

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