Data Vis Dispatch, March 26

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 135th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include water shortages, games, and gender inequality.

Two dot plots this week told a story of inequality between men and women:

La Data Cuenta: “La brecha salarial afecta más que los ingresos: impacta la independencia y decisiones vitales de las mujeres en salud, educación e incluso romper el ciclo de violencia en una relación,” March 25 (Tweet, Article)
Gênero e Número: Mais da metade das famílias chefiadas por mulheres negras está em insegurança alimentar, March 20

Charts on the Russia-Ukraine war paint a picture of drone strikes on both sides of the border:

Bloomberg: Ukraine’s Drone Strikes on Russian Oil Refineries Mark New Phase in War, March 20
Texty: Надскладні траєкторії. Як летіли “шахеди” і ракети під час масованих атак 23–24 березня (КАРТА), March 25

Other violence-related visualizations covered a terrorist attack in Moscow, the history of ISIS in Syria, and consequences of Houthi attacks in the Red Sea:

El País: Análisis visual | Así fue el ataque terrorista en la sala Crocus de Moscú, March 24
Le Figaro: Que reste-t-il de Daech ?, March 23
Bloomberg: The Red Sea Has Become a War Zone Full of Vulnerable Ships, March 21

Water is our fountain of life, but it seems to be drying up:

ATLO: Felmelegedő Duna, March 21 Desaladoras paradas, acuíferos al límite, March 24

More on the climate and environment — temperature anomalies and their influence on cherry blossoms. Oh, and plastic recycling:

Le Monde: Vous avez trouvé l’hiver pluvieux, doux et sans soleil ? C’est plutôt vrai, vérifiez-le près de chez vous, March 24
The Washington Post: See one cherry tree’s rush to an early bloom, day by day, March 22
USA Today: Cherry blossoms peak earlier in DC, see the impacts of climate change in this visual story, March 21
Our World in Data: Plastic recycling rates are increasing, but slowly, in many regions, March 20

I’d summarize our next group as money, markets, and banks:

Bloomberg: BOJ’s Small Rate Hike May Have Big Ripple Effect Around the World, March 19
The Wall Street Journal: The $27 Trillion Treasury Market Is Only Getting Bigger, March 24

Two bar charts this week looked at underlying factors in the U.S. election:

The Economist: Five charts compare Democrats and Republicans on job creation, March 19
The Wall Street Journal: Trump Is in a Race Against Time to Protect His Fortune, March 22

Also in the political realm, we found an analysis of the correlation between economic optimism and political happiness, as well as a detailed analysis of German right-wing voters:

Financial Times: It’s no longer the economy, stupid, March 22
Zeit Online: Das sind die Millionen, die AfD wählen wollen, March 21

Layoffs, philanthropy, and plant-based products all revolved around one theme this week — games:

Ben Oldenburg: Visualizing Games Industry Layoffs, March 22
Bloomberg: Bloomberg’s 2024 March Madness Brackets for a Cause, March 25
The Washington Post: Dairy vs. plant milk: Which is better?, March 21 Funny storytelling

As this year’s solar eclipse gets closer, we’re seeing more and more visualizations:

Univision: Escribe tu ‘zip code’ y descubre cómo se verá el eclipse solar total de 2024 en tu ciudad, March 20
The Washington Post: See what the solar eclipse will look like in your city, March 21

Let’s close this week with a question: How many private jets do you expect at your wedding? Quick answer: Certainly fewer than Mukesh Ambani’s family!

Reuters: From slumber to spectacle. How India’s Jamnagar airport managed an unprecedented number of flights for billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s family event, March 22

What else we found interesting

Krisztina Szűcs: “I wanted to create a quick and fun #dataviz, so here comes the latest editable chart for PlotParade. I have never created a pie chart with d3.js before this,” March 21 (Tweet, Tool)
Maxwell Neely-Cohen: “THE BRAND NEW 2024 ISSUE OF THE HTML REVIEW IS HERE!!!,” March 19 (Tweet, Website)
Los Angeles Times: This mega-city is running out of water. What will 22 million people do when the taps run dry?, March 21

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