Data Vis Dispatch, May 14

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 142nd edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include good and bad news about the climate, as well as good and bad news about maternal health.

How did you spend your evenings this week? Maybe watching the Eurovision Song Contest — or the aurora borealis?

CIMSS Satellite Blog: Aurora over the northern United States, May 11
YouGov: Eurotrack: who is watching Eurovision 2024 and why?, May 7

Ever heard of GPS jamming?

Financial Times: How GPS warfare is playing havoc with civilian life, March 13

Let’s zoom in on one of the areas of high GPS jamming: the border between Russia and Ukraine. Two column charts show that Russian bombardment is actually increasing, even as sanctions are restricting deliveries of aircraft parts:

The Wall Street Journal: Russia’s Bombardment of Ukraine Is More Lethal Than Ever, May 13
Financial Times: The smuggling trail keeping Russian passenger jets in the air, May 10

We zoom out and back in again on another GPS jamming hot spot: the Middle East. This week’s maps and charts visualized the Israeli ground operation in Rafah, the killing and displacement of Gazan civilians, and the blocking of humanitarian aid:

The New York Times: A Satellite View of Israel’s New Front in Gaza, May 8
Reuters: Closure of Rafah crossing imperils humanitarian aid in Gaza, May 9
The Wall Street Journal: Israel’s Advance Toward Rafah, Shown in Maps, May 9
Bloomberg: How Israel’s Rafah Operation Threatens Gaza’s Critical Aid Pipeline, May 10

Meanwhile, CNN reports on a newly established Israeli military detention center, and international pro-Palestinian student protests continue — with no small impact on U.S. politics:

CNN: Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center, May 11
Prof. Thrasher is with our students: “Good evening. This morning, there were 168 Gaza Solidarity Encampments at colleges […]” May 8 (Tweet, Map)
The New York Times: How Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes Despite Declaring Support for Israel, May 9

It’s election year! This week we found a multimedia project that captures the hopes and aspirations of first-time voters in India, and detailed polling and results from the Catalonian elections of May 12. There, for the first time in over a decade, the regional government could be led by an anti-independence party:

BehanBox: Mera First Vote, May 10 Personal Stories Las opciones de Puigdemont pasan por un sistema electoral que ha beneficiado a la derecha catalana durante 40 años, May 9 ¿Qué votaron tus vecinos el 12M? Los resultados de las elecciones en Catalunya, calle a calle, May 13 La participación en las elecciones catalanas a las 18.00 es del 45,8%, similar al mínimo histórico de 2021, May 12

Flood and fire dominated the environmental visualizations:

Reuters: Floods in southern Brazil, May 9 Los megaincendios queman Europa ¿Estamos preparados?, May 7

The threat of wildfires is affecting the insurance coverage of wealthy homeowners in some parts of the United States. And hundreds of locals are a thorn in the side of a wealthy oil heir who owns a strip of land in the Colorado mountains:

Bloomberg: Beverly Hills 90210 Mansions Lose Fire Coverage as Insurers Flee, May 10
The Wall Street Journal: A Texas Oil Heir vs. the Hundreds of Locals Who Have Keys to His Colorado Mountain Estate, May 10

Bad news for climate — scientists expect global warming to exceed the global 1.5 degree target and record temperatures to continue:

The Guardian: World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5C target, May 9
Financial Times: Record temperatures expected to continue to drive extreme weather, May 8

Good news for climate — the world may have passed peak pollution, and better battery storage systems are improving the reliability and resilience of clean electricity:

Sustainability by numbers: The world has (probably) passed peak pollution, May 9
The New York Times: Giant Batteries Are Transforming the Way the U.S. Uses Electricity, May 7

Let’s switch on a cluster about energy, in particular nuclear energy:

Bloomberg: The Company Preaching America’s Nuclear Revival, May 10
Le Monde: Les dérapages de l’EPR de Flamanville en graphiques : le coût multiplié par six, la durée du chantier par quatre, May 9

This week’s news focused on women is a rollercoaster of emotions. Labor and delivery wards in Nigeria are without essential medical equipment; the U.S. rise in maternal mortality may be due to a change in measurement; fertility rates are dropping noticeably in many countries; and women are increasing their presence in Japanese boardrooms:

O R O D A T A: “‘They said they are providing free delivery but don’t provide enough equipment to do that. How can you promise free delivery and tell people to report any case of ‘extortion’ but supply just one drip and two syringes for a whole month?’ […],” May 10 (Tweet, Article)
Our World in Data: The rise in reported maternal mortality rates in the US is largely due to a change in measurement, May 13
The Wall Street Journal: Suddenly There Aren’t Enough Babies. The Whole World Is Alarmed, May 13
Bloomberg: Better Corporate Governance in Japan Pays Off for Investors, May 9

In the world of labor, we found membership in the United Auto Workers union (UAW) and platform work in Korea:

The Wall Street Journal: Unions Struggled in the South for Years. The Economy Gave Auto Workers an Opening, May 11
SBS News: 산업재해 승인 1위는 ‘배민’…보호받지 못하는 플랫폼 노동자들, May 9

Finally, all different kinds of routes, from the travels and dangers faced by a whale named Bishop, to our daily commutes, to the role of Chinese exports in the Mexican drug trade:

The Washington Post: Bishop vanished. His species can still be saved, May 11
The Economist: The world’s most, and least, walkable cities, May 9
InSight Crime: Cómo los precursores químicos sostienen la industria de drogas sintéticas en México, May 8 (Report) Detailed Report

What else we found interesting

Bloomberg: Walking To Taipei Through a Google Maps Glitch, May 9
Society for News Design: Results: 45th annual creative competition, May 8
Le Figaro: Séisme à Taiwan : l’incroyable pendule qui a sauvé son plus haut gratte-ciel, May 13

Applications are open for…

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