Data Vis Dispatch, November 21

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 119th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include the deep ocean, the broad universe and the beauty of music.

It’s the third week of November, which means round three of our #30DayMapChallenge favorites:

Bill: “Day 20 of the #30DayMapChallenge – “Outdoors”. Wheeler mountain in the Northeast Kingdom of #vermont is a granite batholith in a glacially-scoured landscape. It’s also where I learned to rock climb as a hairy young man. As such, I made a simple plot of its contours, rising up from a small valley below.,” November 20 (Mastodon Post)
Antonia Blankenberg: “#30DayMapChallenge Day 20: Outdoors Another great dataset here from @LivingAtlas showing terrestrial species richness patterns. Bonus points if you can see where the amphibians are – it’s not a huge area!,” November 20 (Tweet)
Geum Pyrenaicum: “#30DayMapChallenge jour 18 : Atmosphère. Comparaison des températures mensuelles avec la période 1940-1949 (du même mois), sur la France. Palette de -6° à +6°C. L’hiver 56 en haut à gauche, celui de 86 plus bas. Un réchauffement progressif, plutôt hivernal, au moins par rapport aux années 40 retenues.,” November 18 (Mastodon Post)
Kai Sonder: “30DayMapChallenge: Day 18 Atmosphere Nothing to see here, move on. CO2 Emissions (kgC/d) on one day in 2021 GRACED Dou et al., 2023,” November 18 (Tweet)
Erwan Rivault: “#30DayMapChallenge Day 17: Flow Visualising the flow of ice in Greenland,” November 17 (Tweet)

Back to the topic that generated the most data visualizations this week: the ongoing military activity between Israel and Hamas. There were several maps showing the Gaza Strip itself, the Hamas tunnels, but also the damaged infrastructure in major cities:

The Wall Street Journal: Israel Takes Fight Underground to Hamas’s Vast Gaza Tunnel Network, November 17
Financial Times: In maps: half of northern Gaza’s buildings wrecked by war, November 20

Other maps zoomed out, showing either a broader historical perspective or a broader geopolitical view:

The Washington Post: Six maps explain the boundaries of Israel and Palestinian territories, November 17
The Wall Street Journal: Israel-Hamas War Puts Palestinians Back on Arab World’s Agenda, November 18

On a global scale, we found a map depicting the worldwide reaction to the war in the form of demonstrations:

Der Spiegel: Pro-Palästina-Demonstrationen dominieren weltweit, November 11

Despite the focus on the war between Israel and Hamas, other military operations and battles lead to visualizations,l too. For Africa in particular, we found maps depicting the U.S. battles with Al Qaeda and Islamic State, as well as the affairs of the Wagner Group:

The Wall Street Journal: Militants Take Cover Amid Elephants, Lions in West Africa’s National Parks, November 19
Le Figaro: Les bonnes affaires africaines du groupe Wagner, November 16

Let’s not forget about the ongoing military operations in the Ukraine:

Le Figaro: Guerre en Ukraine : immersion au cœur des défenses russes qui ont mis en échec la contre-offensive, November 18

Another country in the spotlight last week: China. We saw visualizations of China’s military actions, fleet size, and missile range:

The New York Times: Fleets of Force, November 16
The Wall Street Journal: The Era of Total U.S. Submarine Dominance Over China Is Ending, November 20
Bloomberg: Can China Fight?, November 16

Last but not least from the world of politics: government formation. Pedro Sánchez is sworn in as president of the Spanish government and chooses his ministers. So does the President of Brazil, Lula da Silva:

Radiotelevisión Española: La amnistía en la investidura de Sánchez, en datos: un tercio del tiempo con más de 100 menciones, November 16
Folha de S.Paulo: Lula bate recorde em demora para indicar ministro do STF, November 20

Let’s cut to a deep topic: the ocean:

Reuters: The promise and risks of deep-sea mining, November 15
The Wall Street Journal: Florida’s Coral Reef Supports Fishing, Tourism and Beaches. Can Science Save It?, November 18

From depth to height. The next visualizations are all about space and our universe:

De Tijd: Het aantal lanceringen boomt, November 14
Scientific American: The Most Shocking Discovery in Astrophysics Is 25 Years Old, November 14

Electricity is not only traded, it is changing. The following two charts illustrate the energy trading and transition:

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Deutschland muss immer häufiger Strom verschenken – und ihn anschliessend teuer zurückkaufen, November 17
The New York Times: How Electricity Is Changing Around the World, November 20

The next cluster can be summarized under the following title: “Line charts – simple but effective”:

Zeit Online: Wer in der Stadt lebt, gibt seine Wohnung so schnell nicht auf, November 19
The Wall Street Journal: Your Thanksgiving Costs, Broken Down, November 16
Le Monde: Intempéries : un niveau de précipitations inédit en France, November 16
The Guardian: Find out where you can afford to buy or rent in Great Britain, November 21

Three less simple visualizations animate changes over time, including the German rail network, global interest rates, and land ownership in Warsaw:

Berliner Morgenpost: So ist Deutschlands Schienennetz geschrumpft, November 15
The Wall Street Journal: The $2 Trillion Interest Bill That’s Hitting Governments, November 15
Gazeta Wyborcza: Miasta bez ziemi. Do kogo należy Warszawa i dlaczego to najlepsze miasto świata [RAPORT, CZĘŚĆ 2.], November 16

Two unusual visualizations deal with education: “Which books are required reading?” and “Where are the school dropouts?”

Folha de S.Paulo: Livros de autores negros e mulheres caem mais hoje no vestibular; veja a evolução, November 15
SBS News: 학교 밖에도 아이들이 있다, November 16

“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words.” — Victor Hugo
Visualizations about music express that which cannot be put into words about music” — Us

Folha de S.Paulo: No Grammy Latino, Brasil só tem 5% dos indicados aos quatro prêmios principais, November 15
El Confidencial: Cómo han cambiado los números 1 en españa desde 1980, November 21

What is the common factor when we talk about the history of Singapore and the reduction of deforestation in South America? Exactly: Indigenous people.

Kontinentalist: “Singapore is known as an island nation, but in reality it is an archipelago of islands with close ties to other parts of the Nusantara region. The transformation of these islands and the displacement of former inhabitants have only deepened this knowledge gap of the country’s history. Old indigenous names have given way to new ones, while some islands no longer exist.,” (Instagram Post)
InfoAmazonia: Terras indígenas têm redução de mais de 50% no desmatamento em 2023, November 14

Other notable data vis of the week covered diabetes in Tunisia, greenhouse gas emissions in various countries around the world, lender profits on Wall Street and child protection processes in Minnesota.

Inkyfada: En Tunisie, “c’est très rare de ne pas avoir de diabétiques dans sa famille”, November 14
The Economist: The world is (still) failing to come close to its climate goals, November 20
Bloomberg: How Wall Street Makes Millions Selling Car Loans Customers Can’t Repay, November 14
Star Tribune: ‘Friendly’ approach to child protection fails Minnesota families, leads to more abuse, November 16

What else we found interesting

El Mundo: 15 años que llevan a una investidura, November 19
South China Morning Post: The history and revival of ancient Chinese hanfu, November 17
The Washington Post: Why do trees have differently shaped leaves?, November 16

Applications are open for…

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