Data Vis Dispatch, November 7

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 117th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include dots, bars, and the start of the #30DayMapChallenge!

The #30DayMapChallenge started on November 1! Here are a few maps that particularly caught our eye:

Mapologies: “Day 7 Map #7 of #30DayMapChallenge “Navigation” What if… Europe trains were a #transit #map. Based on the real ones, not the actual lines ;),” November 7 (Tweet)
Benjamin Nowak: “#Day7 (navigation) of #30DayMapChallenge Northern Europe shipping routes,” November 7 (Tweet)
Erwan Rivault: “Day 5: Analog map. Had to buy so many different size of tomatoes to make this work!,” November 5 (Tweet)
Seán De Hoichtúin: “Day 3 – Polygons Geological Map of Munster, Ireland Created using the excellent 500k series bedrock data from @GeolSurvIE. Great source for open access data for a broad range of themes!,” November 3 (Tweet)
Jana Tauschinski: “Day 3: Polygons, for yday. Distances to German cities w populations >250k,” November 4 (Tweet)

Now back to the hard topics: The Israel-Hamas war continues. This week, two animated maps provide a better understanding of the situation in Gaza:

Le Monde: Bande de Gaza : trois semaines de destructions en cartes et en images, November 4
South China Morning Post: Israel-Gaza war explained, November 3

We also noticed this visualization that focuses on the individuals killed in Gaza:

Al Jazeera: Know their names, November 1

As the ground invasion has advanced into the Gaza Strip, several maps depicted Israeli troop positions:

The New York Times: Maps: Tracking the Attacks in Israel and Gaza, November 3
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Satellitenbilder zeigen Israels Bodenoffensive, November 2
e15: Izrael a Pásmo Gazy: Mapa války a historie konfliktů, November 2

What do people around the world think about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? The Economist team compared views on social media to what pollsters have found:

The Economist: Israel is more popular than social-media posts suggest, November 2

But this isn’t the only conflict situation taking place. We also saw visualizations with an eye on China’s military exercises and Taiwan:

報導者The Reporter: “#報導者開放實驗室【AI、Python與手工業,我們如何處理台灣+日本超過400張共軍軌跡圖?】本文分享用Python從爬取資料、以ChatGPT+code interpreter做資料前處理、手工描繪400多張軌跡、用ChatGPT寫一個儀表板分析資料等5大流程……轉換過的軌跡圖資檔也公開在報導者 Github,” November 1 (Tweet, Article)
The Economist: The People’s Liberation Army is not yet as formidable as the West fears, November 6

In the world of energy, we encountered two visualizations dealing with fossil fuels:

Le Monde: « Bombes carbon » : Ces projets fossiles qui condamnent les efforts pour le climat, October 31
The New York Times: ‘Monster Fracks’ Are Getting Far Bigger. And Far Thirstier, November 2

Jumping from fossil fuels to climate change is easy: Three visualizations this week tell stories about extreme weather situations (and about rich people in Florida who actually manage to benefit from them):

The New York Times: The Deadly Maui Inferno, Hour by Hour, November 1
Financial Times: Northern Spain’s cooler beaches lure tourists away from scorched south, November 3
Bloomberg: Ravaged Florida Town Becomes a Magnet for Risk-Taking Homebuyers, October 31

Let’s zoom in a little further on the financial topics. This week’s visualizations have proven how helpful circle encodings are in illustrating everything from corporate profits to employee salaries to development aid budgets:

The Wall Street Journal: Breaking Down the Best Earnings Quarter in a Year, November 5
The San Francisco Chronicle: These are the highest-paid University of California employees, November 6
아시아경제: 원조 예산 쪼개기는 어떤 문제를 가져오나, October 31

We’ve talked about circle encodings… Next cluster: bar charts:

Financial Times: Why women are at the sharp end of the rental crisis, November 1
Gazeta Wyborcza: Miasta bez ziemi. Dlaczego budowanie jest takie drogie, November 2

Next we have three creative visualizations of decrease and increase over time. Apparently, drugs and space junk are increasing (bad), but oyster harvesting is decreasing (good — for the oysters):

SBS News: 마약, 도대체 얼마나 늘어난 걸까?, November 1
The Washington Post: Space junk is out of control. Here’s why — and what to do about it., November 2
The Texas Tribune: Fear and worry shadow Texas oyster fishermen as another season begins with few reefs open, November 3

Last but not least, we find everything from granular election research to abortion in Brazil to “Should I really be putting so much money into my skincare routine?”:

La Nación: Mapa de escuelas – Conocé el resultado de las elecciones presidenciales en la mesa donde votaste, October 31
Gênero e Número: SUS atende 9 de cada 10 internações por aborto no Brasil, October 31
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Sind teure Cremes besser für die Haut?, November 3

What else we found interesting

Ana Lucía González Paz: We all carry a map inside, October 31
The Guardian: How AI chatbots like ChatGPT or Bard work – visual explainer, November 1
The Washington Post: These fake images reveal how AI amplifies our worst stereotypes, November 1

Applications are open for…

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