Data Vis Dispatch, November 8

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 67th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include U.S. midterms, rising temperatures, and the first full week of the #30DayMapChallenge.

The day of the U.S. midterm elections has finally arrived, marking the end of a massive political campaign. Data journalists across newsrooms have been busy charting forecasts, political donations, social media posts, key issues, and Election Day weather.

The Economist: Our midterm predictions point to major gains for the Republicans, November 4
Bloomberg: Out-of-State Money Is Flooding Midterm Races — and Drowning Out Local Issues, November 2
Bloomberg: Candidates Keep Pushing Election Denial Online — Because It Works, November 3
Pew Research Center: As the 2022 campaign draws to a close, here’s how federal, state and local candidates have used Twitter, November 2
The Financial Times: How Arizona became ground zero for election deniers, November 2
Reuters: Where voting has become more difficult, November 1
Pew Research Center: Turnout in U.S. has soared in recent elections but by some measures still trails that of many other countries, November 1
AXIOS Columbus: Abortions in Ohio decline post-Dobbs, November 3
The New York Times: A Surge of Overseas Abortion Pills Blunted the Effects of State Abortion Bans, November 1
The New York Times: Will Rain Affect Turnout Tomorrow? The Answer Is Cloudy., November 7

The U.K. published migration statistics from last year’s census that revealed an interesting 10-year trend.

The Guardian: One in six people living in England and Wales born outside UK, census reveals, November 2
BBC: Census: Migration biggest part of England and Wales population rise, November 3

The beginning of COP27, this year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference, brought the world’s attention back to the climate — from rising temperatures to the effectiveness of renewable energy.

The Financial Times: Heat will almost double death rates in poorer Pakistan than richer Riyadh, scientists report, November 5
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Frühsommer im Oktober, November 2
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Windkraft in Deutschland: Grosse Versprechen, kleine Erträge, November 7
The Financial Times: The cost of getting South Africa to stop using coal, November 2

Ukraine is protecting its cultural heritage from the effects of the war. The country also reported a large decrease in energy production capacity since March of this year.

Bloomberg: How Ukrainians Are Protecting Their Centuries-Old Culture From Putin’s Invasion, November 3 На 1 ГВт менше. Як змінилося споживання електрики після атаки на енергомережу, November 4

Other charts cover tech layoffs and data revealed by mandatory salary ranges for job listings in New York City.

The Economist: From Twitter to Meta, tech lay-offs are spreading, November 7
Bloomberg: NYC Employers’ Solution to Pay Transparency: $100,000 Salary Ranges, November 4

Now back to the #30DayMapChallenge and some of the most creative contributions of the week!

Antonia Blankenberg: “Most of my #30DayMapChallenge creations utilise @openstreetmap data, so I think I needed to add an interesting twist for today’s Data Challenge! This is the #MonaLisa recreated (roughly) from #OSM data surrounding the Louvre 🗺️🎨,” November 8 (Tweet)
Kylie Tokar: “According to @Esri, raster data is “a matrix of cells or pixels organized into rows and columns (or a grid) where each cell contains a value representing information” and for that reason, this is my submission to #30DayMapChallenge Day 7: Raster,” November 7 (Tweet)
Kate Berg/Pokateo Maps: “Exploring out how Greenland looks in ten different projections for #30DayMapChallenge Day 4 Green,” November 4 (Tweet)
Julian Hoffmann: “3D Raster Globe* | Day 8 – Raster #30DayMapChallenge *Just for fun. Made in #Blender3d with #geometrynodes and NASA’s blue marble satellite imagery,” November 7 (Tweet)
Jess Hepburn: “How wet is it really?☂️ The annual count of 10mm rainfall days (days where there is greater than or equal to 10mm rainfall) averaged from 1991 – 2020, ranging from 9 to 132 days! Data from @metofficeUK via @LivingAtlas. 30DayMapChallenge | Day 7 Raster,” November 7 (Tweet)
3D Geoinfo @ TU Delft: “30DayMapChallenge Day 8: OSM Data Building footprints available in OpenStreetMap. Follow this link to see the entire globe with the data,” November 8 (Tweet, Code)
Geography of Kenya: “30DayMapChallenge A hydrological map of Kenya. Rivers in Kenya flow from the highlands East & West of the Rift valley. Eastern rivers flow to Indian Ocean, Western rivers to Lake Victoria and a few rivers flow into Rift valley lakes. Which river(s) flow in your home County?” November 7 (Tweet)
beyondwatts: “A little fun with @openstreetmap data for #30DayMapChallenge Day 8 – #OpenStreetMap Looking forward to beer o’clock 🍻,” November 8 (Tweet)

What else we found interesting

Le Monde: Toutankhamon, les secrets du tombeau en infographie, November 1
USA Today: Can the clocks changing affect your mood? How to cope with the impact of a time change, November 5
The Washington Post: Why daylight saving time is worse for your body than standard time, November 6

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