Data Vis Dispatch, October 11

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 63rd edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include storms, elections in Brazil and the U.S., and developments in the war in Ukraine.

Both of last week’s big data vis topics came back for a second round. First up is monsoon and hurricane season:

Bloomberg: A New Era of Climate Disasters Revives Calls for Climate Reparations, October 7
The New York Times: The Monsoon Is Becoming More Extreme, October 4
The Tampa Bay Times: How storm surge kills: Hurricane Ian showed Florida why we’re told to leave, October 8
The Washington Post: Cone of confusion: Why some say iconic hurricane map misled Floridians, October 4

And second is the success of Ukraine’s counteroffensive:

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wie die ukrainische Gegenoffensive im Süden abläuft, October 5
The New York Times: Pressing on two fronts, Ukraine extends its gains in the east and makes a sudden advance in the south, October 9
Les Echos: Nouvelle débâcle de l’armée russe en Ukraine, October 5
Bloomberg: Ukraine Latest: EU’s New Sanctions Include an Oil Price Cap, October 5
Financial Times: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in maps — latest updates, October 10

Not every topic is recurring, of course. This is definitely the Dispatch’s first war memes chart:

Texty: “Хаймарси”, Медведчук і котики. Типологія українських мемів про війну, October 5

Results are in from the first round of Brazil’s presidential election:

Folha de S.Paulo: Bolsonaro avança, mas só vence em 15 cidades do Nordeste, October 4
Folha de S.Paulo: PT recupera 258 cidades de Minas Gerais, termômetro da eleição presidencial, October 7
Nexo Jornal: Em 335 municípios, tanto Lula como Bolsonaro tiveram mais de 45%, October 6
Bloomberg: Brazil Election Live Results, October 4
Nexo Jornal: Lula vai a segundo turno com 2º melhor desempenho do PT, October 5

In other politics — massive polling swings in the U.K. and local elections in Germany:

Bloomberg: Truss’s Vision Collides With Tory Fears of Being Seen as Unfair, October 4
Financial Times: How Liz Truss is out of sync with the British public, October 7
Zeit Online: Alle Ergebnisse der Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen, October 10
Spiegel: Woher die Stimmen für Grüne und AfD kamen, October 10

There were charts on energy and other economic topics:

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wie gut spart Deutschland Erdgas?, October 7
Financial Times: Climate graphic of the week: EU payments for Russian fuel since war reach beyond €100bn, October 8
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wenn die Reichen sparen würden, October 7
The Economist: Since 1311 bond yields have fallen with metronomic regularity, October 6
Le Monde: Blanche, Baltique, d’Azov, Noire et Caspienne : les « Cinq-Mers », enjeu stratégique pour la Russie, October 8
El Mundo: La inflación en un menú semanal: hacer unas lentejas es un 18% más caro que hace un año y una tortilla cuesta un tercio más, October 4
SBS News: 구독자는, 퇴사하고 싶은 마음 있어?, October 6

Other maps and charts covered everything from new rules in baseball to fall colors in France:

FiveThirtyEight: 1 In 5 Pitchers Are Frequently Violating MLB’s Future Pitch Clock, October 5
Le Monde: La Communauté politique européenne expliquée en cartes, October 6
The San Francisco Chronicle: S.F. may limit when police can pull over drivers to fight racial pro, October 7
Le Monde: Burkina Faso, les cartes pour comprendre les raisons du dernier putsch, October 5
Marti Blancho: “Où profiter des plus belles couleurs d’automne ? J’ai fait une carte pour le savoir. On y retrouve les forêts de plusieurs espèces dont les feuilles changent de couleur après l’été : hêtre, châtaignier, robinier et autres feuillus,” October 9 (Tweet)

What else we found interesting

The New York Times: The Portrait of Justice, October 7
South China Morning Post: How the Indonesia stadium disaster unfolded, October 10
The Washington Post: How fat are the bears of fat bear week?, October 4
Financial Times: Why Big Tech shreds millions of storage devices it could reuse, October 6
The Washington Post: Coffee vs. tea smackdown, October 4
The Los Angeles Times: Wildfires are getting worse. Can scientists save California’s forests from going up in smoke?, October 4

Applications are open for…

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