Data Vis Dispatch, October 24

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 115th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include movies and music, water and fire, and Israel and the Gaza Strip.

As long as the war between Israel and Hamas continues, so do the visualizations that depict it. Two scroll-based stories provide a detailed look at the current picture in the Gaza Strip:

Reuters: The destruction of Gaza, October 20
The Washington Post: What a ground war in Gaza could look like, October 20

We saw others on the development of the conflict — day by day and over the course of history:

Zeit Online: Aktuelle Karten und Grafiken zum Krieg in Israel, October 21
The New York Times: Maps: Tracking the Attacks in Israel and Gaza, October 22
Inkyfada: Palestine : la lutte pour l’information, October 19
The Economist: A short history of the Arab-Israeli conflict, October 19
Mabu News: 분쟁 지도에서 보이지 않는 ‘사람들’, October 19

As well as maps that tell the story of the current infrastructure in Gaza:

Bloomberg: Israel’s Evacuation Order Forces Gaza’s Population Farther From Hospitals, October 19
El Mundo: Mapas y gráficos que explican la guerra entre Israel y Hamas, October 20
The Washington Post: How the Israel-Gaza conflict is unfolding in maps, graphics and videos, October 23

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. This is not the intro of “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” but the content of our next group of visualizations:

Bloomberg: Climate Change Is Driving a Global Water Trade You Can’t See, October 18
Le Monde: Crise de l’eau à Mayotte: les lourdes responsabilités de l’Etat, October 20
GRID-Arendal: Arctic Permafrost Atlas, October 20 (PDF)
Civio: El territorio de Europa en riesgo alto de incendios se ha duplicado en los últimos 50 años, October 17
El País: Las inundaciones que vienen: danas, borrascas y medicanes, las tormentas del Mediterráneo ganan virulencia, October 19
The New York Times: Tracking Hurricane Tammy, October 23

Meanwhile, voting remains a hot topic, with election maps from Switzerland and Argentina and a chart on how American voters tend to become more conservative with age:

Radio Télévision Suisse: Elections Fédérales 2023 – Résultats en direct, October 22
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Die Resultate der Schweizer Wahlen, October 22
Bloomberg: Argentina Election Live Results, October 23
The Wall Street Journal: Grand Old Party: How Aging Makes You More Conservative, October 23

Now let’s have some fun — or not. Because two of this week’s visualizations show the remaining inequalities against women:

El Mundo: Las mujeres pierden un 28% de ingresos más que sus parejas por la llegada del primer hijo, October 23
Center for American Women and Politics: The Donor Gap Raising Women’s Political Voices, October 17

We continue with a women in music: Taylor Swift. With fall finally here, it’s the perfect time to stay at home, listen to music and watch (scary) movies — or to create a data visualization about it:

Aman Bhargava: Never ever, ever, ever, October 17
Visual Capitalist: Charted: 50 Years of Music Industry Revenues by Format, October 20
The Washington Post: What’s killing the jump scare?, October 20

Two small multiple visualizations, about migration in Brazil and fossil energy, deserve your attention this week:

Bloomberg: Brazil Is Embracing the Migrant Crisis That Everyone Else Wants to Avoid, October 18
Ember: Half of the world is past a peak in fossil power, October 20

And finally, the miscellaneous. Here we have everything from housing in Manhattan to arms exports to South America to vehicle charging stations in the U.S.:

Kasey Klimes: “Manhattan has lots of people and lots of tall buildings. But the people aren’t in the tall buildings,” October 17 (Tweet)
Bloomberg: How Hundreds of US Government Employees Became Gun Industry Sales Reps, October 19
Le Monde: Qui sont les irréductibles djihadistes français du « mini-califat » d’Idlib, en Syrie?, October 18 Where Are the Gaps in Electric Vehicle Chargers along US Interstates?, October 24

What else we found interesting

The Washington Post: A Formula One pit stop: 2 seconds of adrenaline and pressure, October 18
Financial Times: How to make space-based solar power a reality, October 17
Diario Sur: Las historias LGTBI del conflicto de Gaza: «Me arrepiento de no haber besado a ese chico. Murió hace dos días», October 21
USA Today: Bad omens or just misunderstood? Get to know the backstory of these five scary birds, October 18

Applications are open for…

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