Data Vis Dispatch, September 3
September 3rd, 2024
10 min
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The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations
Welcome back to the 116th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.
Recurring topics this week include aging populations around the world (except Africa), music and entertainment, and the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas:
But let’s begin this Dispatch with a gentle start. What do you know about your neighbors? Two interactive maps analyze neighborhoods in detail:
We still have a lot to report about the war between Israel and Hamas. One graphic in particular helped me to understand the international relations in this conflict:
Israel began a full ground invasion of the Gaza Strip this week, while Hamas and Hezbollah continue their rocket attacks:
Meanwhile other visualizations show the aid routes to Gaza, as well as the status quo of its infrastructure and population:
Population is a topic we were seeing all over the world this week. Basically every country is aging — except in Africa:
Cut to environmental topics — in particular wind, water and fire disasters:
Talking about environmental catastrophes, it’s almost inevitable to talk about climate change. And while talking about climate change, we need to talk about CO₂:
In the past two weeks we saw charts of election results in Switzerland and Poland. Now there’s been time to evaluate that data in more detail, with maps of changing voter behavior and charts about the relative size of different legislatures:
One issue in U.S. politics deserves special attention this week. After a mass shooting in Maine on October 25, several visualizations dealt with American gun laws and gun deaths:
We stay in the U.S., but transition to the financial sector. Apparently, money is tight everywhere except among American consumers:
From music catalogs to spending in Disneyland, the next group will entertain you:
While we’re in the realm of consumption, there’s one thing we can’t miss — drinking:
We end this week with a fully visualized story about hiking in Hong Kong and where Nobel Prize winners lived when receiving their award:
Tricked! We’re not done yet. Since today is the spookiest day of the entire year, we’ll end this week’s Dispatch with a Halloween illustration:
Applications are open for…
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