Data Vis Dispatch, October 8

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 163rd edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include the anniversary of last year’s Hamas attack on Israel, the Brazilian elections, and teleportation.

October 7 marked the one-year anniversary of Hamas’s attack on Israel, which set in motion a war that continues to engulf the region:

Reuters: Gaza in rubble and ruin, October 6 More visualizations in here
Le Monde: Après le 7-Octobre, un an de guerre, October 6
Le Temps: En graphiques – Comment Israël s’est retrouvé face à une guerre sur cinq [In Charts – How Israel Found itself in a War on Five Fronts], October 7
Radiotelevisión Española: La cuenta trágica de un pueblo bajo las bombas, October 5

Israel is edging closer to an open conflict with Iran:

La Vanguardia: Israel apunta al petróleo de Irán [Israel targets Iran’s oil], October 4
The New York Times: What to Know: How Israel Could Retaliate Against Iran, October 5
Der Spiegel: Flucht aus dem Zufluchtsort [Chart title: Pro-Iranian militias in the Middle East, by number of fighters], October 6

Meanwhile, Lebanon has faced escalating Israeli bombardment over the past two weeks and, according to the Economist, finds itself in a power vacuum:

The New York Times: Mapping Israel’s Invasion of Lebanon, October 4
Financial Times: Radar shows scale of damage from Israeli strikes on Lebanon, October 3
The Economist: Who is really in charge of Lebanon?, October 2

And let’s not forget the war in Ukraine, including its impact on the environment:

Bloomberg: How a weapon packed with US technology killed a 6-year-old girl in Ukraine, October 2
theeuropeancorrespondent: “Fires are destructive and unpredictable, much like wars – especially when wars ignite them […],” October 7 (Instagram)

A series by Reuters tackles fentanyl in the U.S., now the leading cause of death among young adults:

Reuters: The fentanyl funnel: How narcos sneak deadly chemicals through the U.S., October 1
The New York Times: The American Drug Mules Smuggling Fentanyl Into the U.S., October 1

With just a month to go until Election Day in the U.S., two visualizations highlight the influence of Asian-American voters and… Elon Musk:

South China Morning Post: Rise of Asian-American voters in US elections, October 3
Sander van der Linden: “5 Days with @elonmusk! Almost a third of 171 posts last week were deemed false or misleading,” October 1 (Tweet, Article)

Not quite elections — Jimmy Carter is the first U.S. president to reach the age of 100. Did you know the odds of living to be that old? Less than 1%:

The Washington Post: Jimmy Carter turns 100, and his hometown is ringing in the milestone, October 1

On October 6, Brazilians headed to the polls for municipal elections. Some, like the mayoral race in São Paulo, will be decided in a runoff on October 27. Visualizations covered the election of Black candidates and the outgoing administrations’ investment in environmental management:

Folha de S.Paulo: PSD de Kassab vira o maior de SP, PT sofre derrotas, e siglas de Tarcísio e Bolsonaro crescem [Chart title: Counts in the state of São Paulo], October 7
Folha de S.Paulo: Com avanço tímido, prefeitos negros são 3 de cada 10 dos eleitos no primeiro turno [Chart title: Number of black mayors elected per municipality since 2016], October 7
InfoAmazonia: Prefeitos candidatos à reeleição nas capitais da Amazônia destinaram 0,36% do orçamento ao meio ambiente [Chart description: Application of public resources to environmental management in capital cities with candidates seeking re-election in the Amazon. Data recorded between January 2021 and June 2024], October 4

Other environmental maps covered hurricanes and other natural disasters:

Bloomberg: Tracking Milton’s Latest Path, October 7
Bloomberg: Nowhere in America Is Safe From Climate-Fueled Storms and Fires, October 3

Do you know what’s good for the environment? Green energy:

The Washington Post: This country ditched coal. Here’s what the world can learn from it, October 4
International Energy Agency: Global Hydrogen Review 2024, October 2

Next up, two blue column charts — that are completely different in style and theme:

The Wall Street Journal: China’s Drive for Global EV Dominance and the Roadblocks It’s Facing, in Charts, October 6
Diario Sur: ¿Un 10% para el autor es suficiente? El cómic versión ‘yo me lo guiso, yo me lxo como’ [Chart description: 4,662 new products per year 12 new comics per day], October 2 A visual story to explore

Last but not least, three visualizations that challenged our assumptions. What would you guess about how long most Airbnbs are actually used, where your chances of teleporting are highest, or which is the most innovative country on earth?

Zeit Online: Wie Airbnbs europäische Städte überfordern [Chart title: Slightly more than half of the accommodation unused], October 4
South China Morning Post: “Today Infospark is beautiful! find your copy to know what happens if you have a teleport button, by @KalizLee,” October 7 (Tweet)
The Economist: The world’s most innovative country, October 3

What else we found interesting

The Washington Post: The Long Road to Reconstruction, October 4
The New York Times: If Trump Wins, Could He Really Use the Justice Department to Jail His Rivals?, October 2
Le Monde: L’unicellulaire qui multiplie sa taille par 30 grâce à une structure façon origami [The single-celled creature that multiplies its size by 30 thanks to an origami-like structure], October 3

Applications are open for…

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