Data Vis Dispatch,
September 14

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 13th edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include elections, COVID in children, and long-term climate data.

Elections were in the air this week. Across Canada, Germany, and Argentina, the news doesn’t look good for ruling parties:

Bloomberg: Splinter Party Fights Trudeau’s Vaccine Rules and Rises in Polls, September 13
Reuters: Canada’s snap election, September 13
Der Spiegel: So haben Sie Merkels Kanzlerschaft noch nie gesehen, September 12
La Nación: Mapa electoral:los resultados en todo el país, September 13

Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s legislature is being gutted by Beijing, the governor of California faces a recall vote, and the New York Times imagines an America with six major parties:

Bloomberg: China Moves to Complete Its Purge of Hong Kong’s Election System, September 7
FiveThirtyEight: Why It Was So Easy To Get Gavin Newsom’s Recall On The Ballot In California, September 10
The New York Times: If America Had Six Parties, Which Would You Belong To?, September 8
San Francisco Chronicle: 2021 California Recall Election, September 13

In the vaccinated world, children are the face of the latest coronavirus wave:

Le Temps: En Suisse, le nombre de cas de covid explose chez les moins de 10 ans, September 9
The Economist: Covid-19 cases in American children are at an all-time high, September 13
The New York Times: Least Vaccinated States Lead Spike in Children’s Cases, Leaving Some Hospitals Stretched, September 9
Financial Times: New wave of Covid predicted as UK’s return to school and social mixing hit, September 13
El País: El caso de los 12 niños contagiados de covid por su profesora: lecciones para la vuelta al colegio, September 12

But cases and hospitalizations are up among all age groups. The good news? Vaccines are still highly effective, and “health passport” programs to promote them haven’t hurt the return of business and tourism:

Axios: COVID cases hold steady while hospitalizations, deaths rise, September 9
Zeit Online: Die trügerischen Hospitalisierungsraten des RKI, September 11
Bloomberg: Israel’s Rising Covid Cases Aren’t So Scary This Time, September 7
The Economist: What the Delta variant did to South-East Asia, September 11
Zeit Online: So gut schützt die Impfung vor Corona, September 7
Les Echos: “La #croissance demeure soutenue malgré le passe sanitaire, confirmation dans les chiffres juillet et août d l’ @InseeFr du 7 sept,” September 8 (Tweet)

On the subject of climate, there’s less good news to offer. Long-term warming isn’t just making our present summers hotter — it’s hiding the evidence by melting the ice cores that scientists use to study prehistoric temperatures:

The New York Times: Why We’re Experiencing So Many Unusually Hot Summer Nights, September 13
Reuters: Scientists scramble to harvest ice cores as glaciers melt, September 13

The environmental consequences include drought and flood:

Dominique Royé: “¿Cuándo hubo «sequías optimista» o periodos húmedos en España peninsular y las Islas Baleares entre 1961-2020? ¿Cuáles fueron los más intensos y de mayor extensión? Entre 1961 y 2020, el periodo más grave en España fue en 1969 cubriendo el 84% del territorio,” September 12 (Tweet)
Zeit Online: Dernau danach, September 7
NPR: The Federal Government Sells Flood-Prone Homes To Often Unsuspecting Buyers, NPR Finds, September 13

And the psychological effects are heavy as well:

Audrey Garric: “Quelques infographies pour ceux qui veulent voir les chiffres de cette étude, basée sur un sondage réalisé en mai et juin auprès de 10 000 jeunes de 16-25 ans de 10 pays, Nord et Sud. Les Français sont moins pessimistes mais plus critiques vis-à-vis du gouvernement,” September 14 (Tweet)

Other maps this week showed us the afterlives of the World Trade Center buildings, international missions of the European Union, a territorial dispute over rare earths mining, and racial inequalities in urban planning:

Bloomberg: 20 Years After 9/11, the Twin Towers Are Everywhere, September 10
Bloomberg: In Wake of 9/11, Wall Street Is More of a Notion Than an Address, September 9
Público: O que faz a União Europeia fora de portas?, September 13
Michael McLoughlin: “La UE quiere recortar la dependencia de tierras raras que tiene de China. Hay múltiples ‘caladeros’ no explotados en España, incluso un ‘islote de Perejil’ submarino cuya soberanía reclama también Marruecos,” September 13 (Tweet)
The Washington Post: Black people are about to be swept aside for a South Carolina freeway — again, September 8

And finally, other charts covered everything from biodiversity to elite tennis meltdowns to Confederate monuments (with plenty more in between):

Federica Fragapane: “Endemic species by country — my latest data visualization designed for @La_Lettura,” September 13 (Tweet)
The Economist: Pressure-driven meltdowns are surprisingly common in elite tennis, September 11
Kontinentalist: Sexual violence in Singapore: a crisis, September 8
Republik: Ihr persönlicher Platz im Reichtums­ranking, September 13
Al Jazeera: US military presence around the world, September 10
FiveThirtyEight: Universities Say They Want More Diverse Faculties. So Why Is Academia Still So White?, September 7
Agence France-Presse: “America’s Confederate symbols. #AFPgraphics showing the states where America’s confederate statues and monuments are found, and a timeline of when they were established, according to research by the Southern Poverty Law Center,” September 9 (Tweet)

What else we found interesting

South China Morning Post: September 11 attacks, 20 years later, September 11
Le Monde: Les accusés du procès du 13-novembre, September 8
The Wall Street Journal: How TikTok Serves Up Sex and Drug Videos to Minors, September 8
The Old Map Gallery: “‘Therefore we believe air is the dominant realm of transportation’-‘Air is much larger than all waters and lands combined…’ An ad map from American Airlines that hints at some profound issues of geographic connections in the air age,” September 9 (Tweet)

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