Data Vis Dispatch, September 3

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 158th edition of the Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we publish a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include wealth, youth, and regional elections in Germany.

We start this week with money — lots of it (and not just because we recently published a Weekly Chart on the subject ourselves). Huge amounts of money are pouring into college football and shaping championships. The Guardian tries to make sense of the big numbers that come with high salaries:

The New York Times: In College Sports’ Big Money Era, Here’s Where the Dollars Go, August 31 Whole visual explanation
The Guardian: Interactive: pick an Australian CEO and compare their salary with a childcare worker, nurse or teacher, August 30 Worth exploring

Let’s stay in the microcosm of money, which is not just a microcosm, because it ranges from topics like the wages of the Hungarian population to job offers, and how these developed after the pandemic. In between we find government spending on research and how it pays off in quality (spoiler: for South Korea not as well as planned), and one of our biggest cost factors: rent:

Átlátszó: Évek óta bő 100 ezer forintos rés tátong a bruttó átlagbér és a mediánbér között [For years, there has been a HUF 100,000 gap between the gross average wage and the median wage], August 28
SBS NewsNews: 가성비 떨어지는 한국 R&D? 도대체 뭐가 문제인 걸까? [Korean R&D with poor cost-effectiveness? What on earth is the problem?], August 29
FlowingData: Renting vs. Owning a Home as We Get Older, August 28
The Boston Globe: What’s the rent where you live? The Globe’s new rent tracker keeps tabs all over Eastern Mass, August 30
The New York Times: The Geography of Unequal Recovery, August 27

Drum roll for the topic we have all been waiting for: elections. This week it’s Germany’s turn. But first, let’s take a look at previous elections: In Venezuela, former President Maduro falsely claimed victory. Data is still missing:

La Nación: Elecciones en Venezuela [Elections in Venezuela], August 28

And upcoming elections: Sri Lanka holds presidential elections on September 21, followed by municipal elections in Brazil in early October. And then there are the ubiquitous U.S. elections in November:

BBC: ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ මෙතෙක් පැවති ජනාධිපතිවරණ 8ක ප්‍රතිඵල දෙස නැවත හැරී බලමු [Let’s look back at the results of the 8 presidential elections held in Sri Lanka so far], August 28
Folha de S.Paulo: 1 em 4 prefeitos do país busca reeleição com impulso acima da média em emendas [1 in 4 mayors in the country seeks re-election with above-average momentum in amendments], August 31
The Washington Post: Who is ahead in Harris vs. Trump 2024 presidential polls right now?, September 2
The Wall Street Journal: Where Taxes Would Rise the Most if Trump’s Tax Cuts Expire, September 1
The Wall Street Journal: Harris Is Still Trying to Rebuild Biden’s Winning 2020 Coalition, September 3

And now, finally, the present: Two eastern German states, Thuringia (top three visualizations) and Saxony (bottom two), held state elections last week. The states saw a shift to the right, especially among young voters, with the only party to steal points from the far-right AFD being a recently founded party, BSW. The parties currently in power at the federal level have all seen a drop in voters:

Zeit Online: Alle Ergebnisse der Landtagswahl in Thüringen [All results of the state election in Thuringia], September 1
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Landtagswahl in Thüringen 2024: alle Ergebnisse im Überblick [State elections in Thuringia 2024: all results at a glance], September 2
Der Spiegel: Landtagswahl Thüringen 2024 [Thuringia state election 2024], September 1
Zeit Online: Nicht aus Protest, sondern aus Überzeugung gewählt [Not elected out of protest, but out of conviction], September 1
Bloomberg: Germany’s Political Center Risks Fresh Blow in Sunday Votes, August 30
Der Spiegel: Linke verliert massiv an BSW – AfD punktet bei CDU-Wählern [Left loses massively to BSW – AfD scores with CDU voters], September 2

Analyses of voting behavior focus on the increased presence of fringe parties of the political spectrum in speeches, the lack of members of former ruling parties in the eastern states, and immigration as a major factor in the vote.

Der Spiegel: So häufig kommen Ostdeutsche im Bundestag zu Wort [This is how often East Germans have their say in the Bundestag], August 31
Zeit Online: So wenig verwurzelt sind die Parteien in Ostdeutschland [This is how little rooted the parties are in East Germany], September 1
Financial Times: The choice facing Germany’s far right: radicalism or power, September 3

But immigration is not only a big issue in Germany. Spain has a long history of immigration via various sea routes, which is currently on the rise again:

El Mundo: Sánchez viaja a África ante la alarma migratoria: las llegadas a Canarias suben un 115% mientras en Italia bajan un 65% [Sánchez travels to Africa in the face of migration alarm: arrivals in the Canary Islands rise by 115% while in Italy they fall by 65%], August 27

In other news: The Paralympics have begun and run until September 8. Also, take a look back at the performances of British athletes at this year’s Olympic Games:

Le Monde: Jeux paralympiques 2024 : le cumul de médailles françaises, en temps réel, par rapport aux précédentes éditions [2024 Paralympic Games: the cumulative number of French medals, in real time, compared to previous editions], August 30
Mo Wootten: “I wanted to create something looking at the performances of all the British finalists at Paris 2024. Thanks to @mrroweuk and @abbie_taylor1 for the valuable feedback There’s loads of interaction so worth checking it out,” August 30 (Tweet)

Maps of Ukraine and Russia tell of reciprocal advances in each other’s territories:

Le Monde: En carte : la percée de l’armée ukrainienne en Russie depuis le 6 août 2024 [On the map: the breakthrough of the Ukrainian army in Russia since August 6, 2024], August 30
The Wall Street Journal: The Last Days of Pokrovsk: Ukrainians Dig Trenches and Say Goodbye to Their City as Russians Close In, September 1

In this week’s environmental visualizations, we see a project about air quality and one about summer:

The Visual Agency: “The Visual Agency and #Nimbo have collaborated to present this infographic showcasing the air quality index trends from July to August 2024 across five European cities […],” August 27 (LinkedIn Post, Website)
Zeit Online: Dieser Sommer war so nass und heiß wie lange nicht. Oder? [This summer was wetter and hotter than it has been for a long time. Or was it?], September 3

What’s going on with young people these days? Their school supplies are getting more expensive and safe sex is not as important as one might think:

Diario Sur: La vuelta al cole más cara: las familias gastarán 500 euros por niño [The most expensive return to school: families will spend 500 euros per child], August 31
theeuropeancorrespondent: “Condom use among European adolescents is declining, according to a new study by the World Health Organization (WHO). The study, which surveyed over 242 thousand 15-year-olds across 42 European countries, asked, among other things, whether they had used a condom or contraceptive pill the last time they had sex […],” September 2 (Instagram Post)

We’ve looked at youth, so it’s only fair to look at age too. Apparently there are waves of aging, because of biomolecular shifts:

The Wall Street Journal: Feeling Suddenly Older? Scientists See Aging ‘Waves’ at 44 and 60, September 2

We end this Dispatch with what all of our lives end with: Death. The Economist published a detailed story about robust cars and how they may save the people inside, but are more likely to kill others involved in the accident:

The Economist: Too much of a good thing, August 31

What else we found interesting

Le Monde: Le Covid-19 continue de circuler en France, mais le dernier variant d’Omicron est peu virulent [Covid-19 continues to circulate in France, but the latest Omicron variant is not very virulent], August 30
Ember: Empowering farmers in Central Europe: the case for agri-PV, August 29

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