New: Arrow and Range Plots

Today we are introducing two new visualization types: The arrow plot and the range plot. Here we have a closer look and explain what you can use them for:

Arrow Plots

The arrow plot is useful whenever you want to emphasize the change between values more than the values themselves. It works just like the range plot, but shows arrows instead of the range bars and circles.

If you want to try the new arrow and range plots for yourself, hover over the example charts and click on “Edit this chart” in the top-right corner to open Datawrapper and this chart in a new browser tab. You need to be on your computer for this. The button won’t appear on your smartphone or tablet.

Range Plots

Range plots are useful when you want to emphasize the range between two values, while still showing these values. You could also call this the “gap chart” because it’s great for situations where the gap is important (e.g. gender pay gap).

What is different to the old dot plot highlight range option? The old dot plot could already highlight ranges between dots, but the feature was only activated when you uploaded exactly two columns. In the range plot, you can now simply select any two columns for the lower/upper bound of the range.

Also labeling: the range ends are now labeled directly inside the chart. And: you can label the dots themselves by choosing between label start/end/both or absolute/percent change.

We hope you like these two new visualization types. We’re always open for suggestions: If you think that there’s a visualization type that you and other Datawrapper users could really need, please reach out at @datawrapper or get in touch via
