A Scatter Plot about Rebellious Germans

a demonstration in Germany
My view at the Global Climate Strike in September

Hey! It’s Fabian. I’m a software engineer at Datawrapper. This week, we’ll explore what Germans have been protesting against or for.

Around two and a half weeks ago, on September 20th, I joined the Global Climate Strike in Berlin. With 270,000 people in Berlin and 1.4 million in Germany, it was one of the biggest demonstrations in Germany.

This got me thinking: What were other big protests and demonstrations in Germany? During my research, I stumbled upon an article published by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. It shows an infographic about topics and protests since the ’60s in Germany. The following graphic is a Datawrapper Chart based on that infographic.

The original article was written by Sead Mujic, Sarah Unterhitzenberger, Benedict Witzenberger, and Moritz Zajonz. It has a lot more graphics and in-depth information about protest forms and topics in Germany. I can only encourage you to check it out here: Von ’68 bis Fridays for Future (in German).

I rebuilt the infographic with a scatter plot. If you are interested in the features I used, hover over the chart and click on “Edit this chart” in the top right corner. This will bring you right into the Datawrapper app. And here’s a list of Academy articles that made building this chart a breeze:

Let me know what you think about the chart! If any important protests are missing, I would be happy to add them. We’ll see you next week!
