Election madness 2024 — one year in the Data Vis Dispatch
January 9th, 2025
3 min
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This article is brought to you by Datawrapper, a data visualization tool for creating charts, maps, and tables. Learn more.
Hi, I’m Guillermina, product specialist at Datawrapper, and today I’m combining my love of cello and data vis.
Have you ever wondered what sound looks like? For a long time, I’ve been captivated by the idea of seeing sound. I believe that patterns exist in almost everything we hear — intonation, silences, speed, and volume. But could these patterns be visualized? If so, what would they look like?
After running into Nicholas Rougeux’s visual music scores, I decided to explore this idea further and try to achieve something similar in Datawrapper with one of the most famous pieces ever written for cello.
Here’s a visual representation of Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 in G major. It has seven movements: Prelude (the most well-known), Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Menuet I and II, and Gigue. You can listen to the full suite (and Bach’s five other cello suites, too!) interpreted by Pieter Wispelwey here.
Creating this visualization was a multistep process:
to read into the file. For each note, I extracted the start and end times, pitch, and velocity, and exported everything as a CSV. I tried to match the data structure that Nicholas explains here. Here’s the Python script for reading into the MIDI file.
import pretty_midi import pandas as pd
# load MIDI file
midi_data = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI('BACH_SUITE.mid')
# get notes
notes = []
for instrument in midi_data.instruments: if not instrument.is_drum: for note in instrument.notes: notes.append([note.start, note.end, note.pitch, note.velocity])
# create df
df = pd.DataFrame(notes, columns=['start_secs', 'end_secs', 'pitch', 'velocity'])
# calculate start and duration of notes, and transform pitch into exact note
df['start_ticks'] = (df['start_secs'] * midi_data.resolution).astype(int) df['duration_secs'] = df['end_secs'] - df['start_secs'] df['duration_ticks'] = (df['duration_secs'] * midi_data.resolution).astype(int) df['fullNoteOctave'] = df['pitch'].apply(lambda x: pretty_midi.note_number_to_name(x))
# reorder df
df = df[['start_ticks', 'start_secs', 'duration_ticks', 'duration_secs', 'pitch', 'fullNoteOctave', 'velocity']]
# save csv
df.to_csv('BACH_SUITE.csv', index=False)
Here’s the Python script for calculating the (x,y) coordinates.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
files = ['BACH_SUITE.csv', 'PRELUDE.csv', 'ALLEMANDE.csv', 'COURANTE.csv', 'SARABANDE.csv', 'MENUET1.csv', 'MENUET2.csv', 'GIGUE.csv']
# load the data
for i in files: df = pd.read_csv(i)
# normalize pitch radius
min_pitch = df['pitch'].min()
max_pitch = df['pitch'].max()
df['normalized_pitch'] = ((df['pitch'] - min_pitch) / (max_pitch - min_pitch) * 10) + 2
# scale to 0-10 and +2 to shift towards outer circle
# generate angles (total secs mapped to 0 to 2pi)
max_time = df['start_secs'].max()
df['angle'] = (df['start_secs'] / max_time) * 2 * np.pi
# calculate coordinates using normalized_pitch as radius * sine (x) and cosine (y)
df['x'] = df['normalized_pitch'] * np.sin(df['angle'])
df['y'] = df['normalized_pitch'] * np.cos(df['angle'])
csv_path = '{0}_circle.csv'.format(i)
df.to_csv(csv_path, index=False)
That’s it for my Weekly Chart! Now I invite you to sit back, relax, and enjoy some Bach. See you next week!