Taylor Orth, YouGov, will speak about using Datawrapper to visualize public opinion

We’re excited to announce that Taylor Orth from YouGov will speak at our Unwrapped conference about Using Datawrapper to visualize public opinion.”

Taylor Orth is the director of survey data journalism at YouGov, where she collaborates with journalists inside and outside the company to design, analyze, and visualize surveys on social, cultural, and political topics. She uses Datawrapper on a daily basis to create engaging visualizations of public opinion data, which are published to YouGov’s website.

Time to ask her some question:

Taylor, what will you talk about?

My talk will explore ways to use Datawrapper to distill complex public opinion data into accessible visual narratives. I’ll share strategies for increasing the clarity and appeal of your visuals, alongside common pitfalls to steer clear of. Through real-world examples and practical tips, I’ll offer insights to help you transform survey data into meaningful stories that inform and engage.

Published on yougov.com.

What's your guiding principle when working on data visualizations? 

Keep it simple, and be transparent.

What's your favorite Datawrapper feature? 

The "data download" option — I love seeing how inventive our readers are when they repurpose our survey data in unique ways.

We're looking forward to Taylor's talk at Unwrapped! Utntil then, you can find more about her on X, LinkedIn, and her YouGov author page. To sign up for Unwrapped and hear Taylor and other great speakers, visit our conference website.
