Data Vis Dispatch, July 5

The best of last week’s big and small data visualizations

Welcome back to the 52nd edition of Data Vis Dispatch! Every week, we’ll be publishing a collection of the best small and large data visualizations we find, especially from news organizations — to celebrate data journalism, data visualization, simple charts, elaborate maps, and their creators.

Recurring topics this week include Hong Kong history, war in Ukraine, and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ten days ago, the Supreme Court ruled that abortion is not constitutionally protected by a right to privacy in the United States, overturning its own precedent of 50 years and opening the door for states to ban the procedure entirely:

CNN: Visualizing the inequality of abortion access in a post-Roe America, June 30
The New York Times: Illinois Abortion Clinics Prepare for Rush of Patients After Roe, June 29
Nick Thieme/The Baltimore Banner: “There are a few nice charts in the story, but i just want to highlight this one, comparing views on when abortion should be legal along gender and ideological lines. Progressives of all genders overwhelmingly support universal abortion, while opinions are split for the rest,” July 1 (Tweet, Article)

Dobbs was only one of several radical decisions this term, which also saw major right-wing rulings on environmental regulation, Native sovereignty, separation of church and state, and the ability of states to regulate handguns:

The Washington Post: How the Supreme Court ruled in the major decisions of 2022, June 30
The New York Times: A Transformative Term at the Most Conservative Supreme Court in Nearly a Century, July 1

In election visualizations this week we saw the composition of a new legislature in France, and the spread of election denialism in the United States:

Le Monde: Le poids des postes-clés à l’Assemblée nationale, June 28
NPR: Election deniers have taken their fraud theories on tour — to nearly every state, June 30

Charts on other political and economic issues included homelessness, food access, and rising prices:

The San Francisco Chronicle: What do San Franciscans want to know? Here’s what Google search data reveals, July 2
Zeit Online: Die Meinung der Unsichtbaren, June 30
The San Francisco Chronicle: Key facts about homelessness in San Francisco, June 29
Der Spiegel: Diese Länder trifft die Inflation am härtesten, June 29
The Washington Post: Think U.S. gas prices are high? Here’s how far $40 goes around the world, June 30
Le Monde: Inflation : pourquoi de tels écarts en Europe ?, July 2
The Wall Street Journal: Wild First Half in Markets Sets Stage for More Big Moves in Rest of 2022, July 1

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues — and both strategists and civilians are starting to consider what a long war means for them:

The New York Times: Ukrainian counterattacks edge closer to Kherson, July 1
The New York Times: How the Russian Media Spread False Claims About Ukrainian Nazis, July 2
The Economist: Does a protracted conflict favour Russia or Ukraine?, June 30

NBC News: Surge in Ukrainians who fled after the invasion returning home, data shows, June 30

Last Friday was the anniversary of Hong Kong’s reversion to Chinese sovereignty. These charts looked back at the past 25 years, and at the current mood in the city:

The Economist: An Anatomy of Erasure, July 3
The Wall Street Journal: How China’s National Security Law Silences Hong Kong, July 1
Financial Times: The reinvention of Hong Kong, June 30

And it’s another summer of record high temperatures — with the drought, fire, and flooding they bring with them:

Bloomberg: Climate Migration Pushes Bangladesh’s Megacity to the Brink, June 28
El País: Los peores incendios forestales de España: cómo se están intensificando los monstruos de fuego, July 2
Gaëlle Sutton: “Le rapport indique une augmentation des sécheresses météorologiques & agricoles et pointe les risques couplés de stress thermique et de sécheresse pour l’agriculture, ainsi que l’accroissement du retrait-gonflement des argiles (impacts majeurs sur bâtiments),” June 30 (Tweet)
The Washington Post: Summer in America is becoming hotter, longer and more dangerous, July 2

Here’s our first ever “Did You Know?” section, on baby names and wildfires:

The Times: French Kévins reclaim the name, July 2
CNN: Western cities get creative after megadrought leads some to cancel firework displays, July 3

In sports — the Tour de France, water polo, and a crazy cricket chart:

Reuters: 2022 Tour de France, July 1
Krisztina Szűcs: “Swimming is over, Water Polo next! Women’s Quarterfinals from the World Championships,” June 29 (Tweet)
Financial Times: How the England men’s Test cricket team have transformed their fortunes, July 1

Finally, other charts and maps covered primary schooling, the pandemic, migration, and the U.K. census:

The Economist: Young children may benefit from having more male teachers, June 30
The Straits Times: Changes to P1 registration: Are you likely to face balloting at the school of your choice?, June 29
Axios: Catch up quick on COVID, June 30
El País: ¿Qué sucedió en la frontera de Melilla? El paso a paso de la tragedia, July 3
Bloomberg: UK Census Shows Population Aging, Pointing to Strain on Treasury, June 28

What else we found interesting

Quartz: H&M showed bogus environmental scores for its clothing, June 29
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blühendes Leben, June 29
Financial Times: Would carbon food labels change the way you shop?, June 30

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